Thursday, December 4, 2008

Female Doctor Check Male


Life is a very interesting experience. We all participate in a vast game we've agreed to play before coming here. The game consists of trying to spin our way between two worlds. Each has a different set of rules. On the one hand, it is this physical world, three-dimensional, we have to find food, shelter, clothing, company and where we must confront with others in the game, they also want to understand and deal with it. On the other hand, we have, so to speak, a four-dimensional world that shows us this reality as a product of our minds, an illusion, a "dream world", from the viewpoint of dimensional.

What is the benefit of knowing all this? That depends on whether you want to be a slave to his master's life. Being a slave of life is to accept that everything around you is the ultimate reality and act like you have no control over it. Is identified with the waves of energy passing through you from time to time, which we call emotions, to think that you are them, they are yours and let your mind these conditions, when in fact power was colored by your thoughts from the beginning. It's like a puppy chasing its tail.

Then there is the problem of other people. Everything would be great if others do what you want or expect them to do. But others are very stubborn creatures. More often do what they want, not what we want, even "know" that ours is the best way. So when others do not act according to our expectations and desires, we are terribly upset. This gives us an emotional trauma (Energy) along with feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. But, and consider this carefully, "when others do not act according to our own desires and expectations, then perhaps something is wrong in relation to our desires and expectations and not your behavior.

A slave's life is also terribly attached to material possessions, money, land, property. Loss or deficiency also cause emotional trauma and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. We look for objects that are "tangible" by our need for security, but this is a very fragile and ephemeral security. There is a parable in the Bible that reflects a fundamental truth. Is that of a man who worked and worked for years and years to fill their tanks and barns of wealth, only to discover, the same day that he thought he had obtained the sought material security, which should leave this life that night. We're just passing through this life.

The material world is only a tool for our experience. We are bound to suffer if we try to base our security on atoms that rotate together in patterns that are temporarily and if we think that this pattern is the only reality.

The master or the master of life knows-and become a potential love is here and now of every human being-dimensional experience is a reflection of thought and no more than that. As a teacher of life you realize that you choose what you experience through your core beliefs about life. Furthermore, you understand that to change your experience just change your beliefs and understand the difference between desire and belief. You know you and you alone are responsible for all your happiness or unhappiness. You also know one of the most important rules: that the way you experience life depends on how you choose to react to things that happen to you. Because this is an inalienable right that we all bring to birth.

choose to be happy or sad, angry or happy, anxious or comprehensive, intolerant or tolerant, inflexible or fluids. The slave chooses too, but let their choices are determined by the will or acts of others and put their power in the hands of others, and then try to blame others for their failures or their unhappiness. The master of life choose how you feel and react, in terms of what is most effective for him, regardless of what happens. You are at all times masters of their fate, while his power to choose their reaction is working. The difference is that the slave refuses to accept responsibility for their decisions, and held as a slave, while the master of life knowingly chooses and is free.

People talk about the courage it takes to choose efficiently and in the struggle that involves choosing a reaction and not another. In fact, the only courage that is required is to risk the displeasure of someone else, that comes from our decision. The only struggle is against your own fears and doubts. Of course, it is easier to float to swim, it is easier to get carried away by the current to lead the way, but float takes you to collide with sharp rocks and nasty, while swimming makes you safe. To further the analogy of swimming, consider any particular experience of life like an ocean current. The rip current is very strong and takes you away from the coast over hundred yards offshore.

Let us use this power as an example of a life experience on which apparently have no control. Caught in this current, a slave of life or panics or tries to fight the current. In this case, quickly loses its strength and drown or lose all hope and floats out to sea with the flow, in which case drowning anyway. The master of life, however, flows with the current until you feel the power of it is weakened and then turn around and swim to shore. Both the slave and the master go through the same experience. The difference lies in how they react to it. Command of life is not controlling it, is to have control of the relationship with it. A teacher does not control the wave surf. Has mastered the art of riding it. Serge Kahili

BY KING 1997


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