Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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astral body balances and complements the physical body.
mental and emotional bodies are integral components of all bodies to be complete.
First, consider the physical body
is clearly the most gorgeous and complicated instrument that currently exists on Earth. It is a marvel of symmetry and art mechanical, chemical and electrical. Your physical body is merely the vehicle through which other bodies express your office while you are incarnated on Earth.

The physical body are not "your" in a complete sense.
inside and outside the physical body of imperishable bodies exist which few people are aware. These other bodies interpenetrate the physical body and extend beyond it. They have a tremendous effect on health and fitness. Each time one of these other bodies become unbalanced, illness will be reflected in the physical body and personality.

are these other bodies that constitute the phenomenon we refer to as aura. When physical death occurs, these other bodies leave the physical body block and become operational in the vehicle through which consciousness continues to operate in other dimensions. While the physical body is the sacred temple that contains the other bodies as they are physically embodied, the astral body is home to the other bodies after the transition called death. However, unlike the physical body, the astral is inviolable.
Now let's examine some of the functions of the various aspects of the astral body while we are embodied physically.

First we contemplate the subconscious
This is the mechanism that performs vital functions that produce those actions and automatic responses on the physical plane. Examples of this would be breathing, heartbeat, blinking, eating, digesting, etc. ... All the learned responses are also activated by the subconscious. He is the one that allows formation of habits, so he has to reschedule when we wish to break any of them.

The subconscious also be a part of the astral body is also a component of the mind or mental body.
As a component of the mental body has the ability and capacity to record all sensual experiences, mental, emotional and spiritual and replay this information when necessary. In this respect it works like a tape recorder. Although the subconscious is a level of mental body has no capacity for rational thought to have the conscious mind and superconscious levels.

The subconscious is the astral body and mental, which the brain is to the body physical, except, of course, that the subconscious is permanent. The physical brain is the store / bank's computer memory while being physically mortal flesh. During the physical embodiment of everything that a person experiences is recorded by the brain. Similarly, all that is recorded in the brain is also recorded in the subconscious.

The subconscious lack of discernment to know what is true or false, good or bad or to distinguish between other oppositions. Functions as a repository of information and as a trigger for learned responses. Hence the importance of learning to appropriate the truth and to purge the entire misconception and bad habits. Hence
pain and difficulty of unlearning!
Hence the absolute need to understand that the unconscious contains all the information stored in lives and past experiences.

With this understanding, we can recognize the effect of past-life experiences in our lives today and our overall wellbeing.
When you start to realize the massive amount of misinformation that can and will usually be stored, you become aware of the urgent need to begin the process of unlearning.

I do now that you realize a subtle truth about the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious.
I told you that the subconscious has no rational thought and that is a storehouse of information and a trigger of learned responses.
If the conscious mind of a person does not exercise his prerogative to think, plan and execute instructions, then the subconscious will assume this function through its own mechanism reagent. In other words, the subconscious to the conscious rule in effect because the latter does not fulfill its responsibility to lead.

can see countless examples of this in the daily lives of those around you.
Take, for example, a person raised in an environment of intolerance which has been taught to hate all members of another race or religion. This person will have developed an ingrained learned response that makes you talk to hatred and contempt on those groups that have learned to hate. This is the dominating subconscious to the conscious. If conversely, then the person who has lived in intolerance think of the reasons for your answer distorted with hate and would realize the error of their subconscious prejudices.

The subconscious has another function singularly elusive, but vital that you have to understand - is the ability to act as a conduit between the conscious and the superconscious. To reach him, the superconscious has to travel through the subconscious.

We can compare the conscious with a light bulb the subconscious to the superconscious power cord and the source of energy. The energy has to reach the bulb before you turn on the light. If the cord is a short circuit or is otherwise damaged, then the energy does not reach the bulb or lighting will not occur.

Returning to the subconscious, if it is damaged by an overload of misinformation, distorted learned responses and if the conscious control by default, then it is unlikely that superconscious power is capable of reaching well into consciousness. What I'm trying to say is that nobody is going to make real progress in its development until it begins to clean up trash from their subconscious memory banks!

A final analogy will help illustrate the need to clean the subconscious. Let the trap of a sink represents the subconscious. The area above the sink represents the superconscious and the drain trap is below represent the conscious.
What happens when the trap becomes clogged with debris? No light passes - no clean water -. See what happens when the trap has no obstacles. The waste passes through the pipes. That is, the jam be solved from the bottom. The pressure comes from above, representing the super-conscious, but cleaning is done when the jam goes through pipes that are below the trap. In this analogy, is the consciousness that has to recognize and remove the block cooperating with the strength that comes from above.

For now we consider that the quality of the astral body is called soul.
Think, if you will, on a cassette tape. When the tape is blank, you could say it contains no soul. Let us now put the tape in the cassette and fill it with recordings. What we have done is to provide attributes to a tape that was previously empty. We have given a soul.

When we enter a new realm in a new body like a newborn baby that is embodied on earth, the tape is blank. As we progress in life, the film is filled with all the personality traits, experience, learning, pleasure, sorrow and so on. ... Normally accompany us in life. When this comes to an end, the film is full of that essence called the soul.

Within the whole soul is full many tapes containing records of all incarnational experiences. As you're beginning to appreciate the full tapes are the memory banks or the Akashic records of an individual being. Keep in mind that these tapes are in active files that are connected to your internal computer. Therefore, any information contained in any of these films, whether good or bad, true or false, right or wrong, can influence and affect your well-being of your current life.

This is the reason why many people make in life after life the same mistakes over and over again. The cumulative impressions housed in their souls produce subtle impulses that trigger activities that a weak mind, unconscious and undeveloped can not control.
The only way to correct this situation is to be aware of their existence and take steps to unlearn, reprogram and replace all defective recordings. It is a painful process, because it always involves replacing the beloved misconceptions with truth and with greater understanding.
Even when you reach this level of consciousness, most people are too lazy or prefer to leave things for later, to follow the corrective action. Maybe help them learn self-discipline for resolution and that even the procrastination and laziness are themselves patterns that have to be overcome and bleed the soul through positive action.

short, the subconscious mind and soul have no discernment. Can not reason. However, by their nature can control the conscious feedback of any stored information. If the conscious mind does not exercise its duty to monitor the entry of the subconscious and soul, the latter always consciously controlled to varying degrees.

Of the non-physical or spiritual bodies, the astral is the one with the lowest vibration. Is the body that normally come with clairvoyants spiritual eye. It is also the astral body which have the ability to read some people with psychic powers.
With enough training, awareness and understanding, everyone can access your Akashic record and discover many things about himself.

As I have stated before, there are 3 different levels or inseparable from the mental body or mind. Once you have understood the significance of the subconscious and soul, you're ready to control your destiny. To take control effectively, you must make sure you realize the conscious aspect of the mental body.

The conscious part of your body gives you great mental powers to think. Thinking is the ability to discern, reason, rationalize, to exercise self-discipline, deduct, use logic, analyze, investigate, synthesize, judge, investigate, learn, observe etc ...

short, the thought can provide awareness about yourself and about your environment with unlimited potential for development in the cosmos and eternity.
In exercising the skills of the conscious mind has to rely on the physical brain while you are incarnated. The brain may accurately compare to a computer. It is actually the most sophisticated computer on earth. Of course, the brain itself, not the mind. It is one of the tools used by these manifestándote mind while at the physical expression. Hence, at this time able to see the urgent need for all the physical body in the best condition possible. Any imbalance in the body affect the brain, nervous system or spiritual centers for the conscious mind can perform its functions effectively.

The brain is the memory bank for the experiences you have while you are physically embodied. The subconscious mind is the bank memory for all of your experiences. Anything that is recorded in the brain, is also automatically recorded in the subconscious. However, what is in the subconscious is not necessarily in the brain. We took data from the subconscious to the brain through meditation and to open several other doors of memory. Once the conscious mind is aware of this process, you can make tremendous progress in controlling the development of life-threatening.

're constantly having experiences in the astral body and the etheric that are not registered by the brain, because these experiences happen when consciousness is outside the physical body. Because these experiences are not are registered in the brain, not remember the mortal awareness. However, these experiences can be recorded in the brain if you are able to reach the subconscious and be aware of them. At the end of the day is the primary function of the mind or mental body - producing consciousness! "This capacity becomes an incredible tool to develop your potential.

The mental body has three parts or levels:
The conscious, subconscious and superconscious.
These are the qualities of mind that govern the individual man.


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The emotional body.
What is its function and purpose? It

which gives us a sentimental nature. This nature provides the ability to experience all the emotional levels as happiness and sadness, love and hatred, compassion and malevolence, ecstasy and depression, pleasure and pain, excitement and indifference.

The extent to which this and other features peaks and depths achieved will determine the intensity with which they live the experience and strength of the impression which is recorded in the memory of the soul.
As we experience life and is as truly learn to distinguish right from wrong, good from evil. For example, just a good burned to teach us not to put your hand in the fire. Once we've burned, the pain of that memory and experience enough to refrain from repeating. Gradually, as we begin to mature, we intuitively a way of life and express ourselves that keeps us constantly in the depths of emotional pain, and lead us to the summit of happiness. This is clearly the path to higher consciousness.

or emotional capacity to feel is experienced at all levels of expression. At the physical level, you may experience as a purely physical manifestation heat or cold, pain of physical injury, touch etc ... You may feel mentally
receiving joy, happiness, excitement, anger etc ...
You may feel physically and mentally at a time, enjoying a party with good friends where they tasted delicious dishes, maintaining a sexual relationship with a loved one, fighting the enemy

etc ... No one would want to live without the emotional body. There would be meaningless without the ability to feel. No achievement would bring some satisfaction, since satisfaction is in itself an emotional quality. When viewed individually, it is increasingly obvious that every aspect of our Being total is indispensable for the function and purpose of our existence. We will now

Christic body (etheric).
Christic body has been described in various ways through the ages by writers lit, as the body of light, ascended body, which is above the soul, the Supreme Being, the I Am, the resurrected body, the body electric superconscious body, the Son (Sun) of God, the etheric body and several other terms.

body terms of light and electric body approach to the description of this body in scientific language. The body of I AM and Christ-like body may be closer to his description in spiritual terms.
From a scientific perspective, the terms electrical and light body best describe the effect on the atomic structure of this body by the speed of electron motion inside atoms. This rate equals or exceeds the speed of light. The body itself, whenever it manifests itself, radiates a bright white light.

So the simple truth is that all people have the potential to become Christs. However, the Christ-state is not reached through the efforts of another. Reach it through your own efforts or not reach it at all. The doctrine of indirect redemption (the false idea that Jesus died to wash away the sins of others and that's why all you have to do to save is to accept Him as your Lord) may be comforting to its proponents, but will never lead to progress in self-control!.
indirect redemption is contrary to the universal law of cause and effect.

is vital for spiritual progress, that people begin to understand they have a Christ-Being. The Christ Self is constantly trying to guide and influence the mortal consciousness to follow the path that leads to super-consciousness. Our Christ Self can be compared to the person making the puppets move. The physical being mortal can compare with the puppet. The puppet, on the other hand, is not at all aware of the lives of those who are powering.

As a person evolves in life in the physical and astral planes, most of the time is unaware of who he is and it is. The puppet can compare with a work of buffoons. In fact, the puppet does not know what comes next. Is participating in a representation but is completely unaware of the plot. Similarly, the human being participates in a cosmic representation, and most of the time, unaware of the plot, the players or the consequences of poor performance!

always Christ-Being is trying to communicate with his being mortal, but in general the lines of communication are entangled in their subconscious distorted. Could be compared when a puppet get tangled puppet strings and can no longer respond to the guidance of those who triggered.

The stubborn resistance that humans have over the centuries to see the truth, proves the difficulty of reprogramming the subconscious mind. Human beings are not easily change their habits.
The superconscious mind is the Christic be operational. In the expression levels Christic, the Christ Self, through the power of your mind, you can more easily join the Universal Mind at the physical or astral.

Similarly, it has greater knowledge and understanding as Christ, and is in a better position to guide, direct and help humans.
We want you to know that certainly is possible to achieve the Christic state while it is embodied in the physical or astral vibrations.
Whoever reaches this state, it will not be subject to the laws governing these levels, but will be a transcendental law of Christ-vibrations.

When someone reaches the full vibration of Christ, physical death has no power over him. There will be literally conquered physical vibrations and can travel freely through the physical vibrations, and Christ-Astral. This expertise gives you the power to alter its vibration at will from the physical to the astral, the astral to the Christic.


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qualities and aspects of

* 1 st Chakra - dung-
is the seat of the kundalini.
Situated at the base of the spine. The coccyx.

On 1 Chakra is the foundation, removal, safety and habits.
eliminates waste products, not only physical but also emotional and thought.

is the realm in which nest our habits, fears and instinctive behavior we use to survive.

When it works well, its positive qualities are:
perseverance, courage, loyalty, security and self confidence.

Negative qualities:
stubbornness, obsessive thoughts, persistent sadness, depression, insecurity, greed.

governed in the physical body:
legs, anus, bone, small intestine. His

Obesity, hemorrhoids, constipation and sciatica.

interior sound: Buzzing
bumblebee, engine roar.

Its color is red.

* 2 ° Chakra-Svadistana -
is located in the abdomen, midway between the pubis and the navel.

The 2nd Chakra is the feeling, desire and creation. Its basic functions are
procreation and creativity.

With a strong Chakra, the world will seem exciting, have flexibility, good opening, will and intuition.

However, if not strengthen, the world will be indifferent to adopt a dispassionate attitude and lack of opinion, on the other side seeming flabby and stiff body.

If the 2 nd chakra is overactive, then everything takes a shade appears sexual obsession with sex.

Chakra in the body that controls all liquids
circulation of blood, urine production, menstrual flow and the production of seminal fluids.

frustration, both sexual and creative displays when this vital energy is blocked.
By balancing the 2 nd Chakra increases self-confidence and creativity. The governing body
: uterus, kidneys, reproductive system, circulation and bladder.

Disorders: impotence, frigidity, uterine disorders, bladder or kidneys. Sound

interior: Flute, Crickets.
Its color is orange.

* 3 ° Chakra-Manipura-
Linked to the navel area.

The 3rd Chakra is the center of energy, will power and control. Chakra
With a strong, know that your life and the quality of their experiences will depend on what you do, you move the firm belief that you can mold, lead and drive which has to happen in life, you will feel excited and win expressive.

However, if there is not enough energy to the 3 rd Chakra will not be able to finish what they start, are easily swayed by others and feel that costs make its own course and act decisively.

When blocks will Chakra energy release stops, so it acts as a dam and contain the feelings, needs and motivations.
are imposed on the inner turmoil, the rage and pent-up force.
Suddenly, at some point, something erupts and emotions take control of the situation.

governing body parts: Gastrointestinal, liver, spleen, stomach, large intestine.

Disorders: Ulcers, diabetes, eating disorders. Sound

interior: harp, stringed instrument, drum.
Its color is yellow.

* 4th Chakra-Anahata-
Located in the heart region.

The 4 th Chakra is the love and awakening.
represents the expression of feelings, compassion and the capacity to love.
If you open this chakra is done giving to others as important as oneself.

devotion, unconditional love and compassion are some of their qualities.
energy coming from the 4 th Chakra healing and promotes change.
The road to a higher degree of awareness begins at this Chakra.

His negatives: Bondage, attachments, emotions out of control.

governing body parts: lungs, heart, arms, hands. Sound

interior: Campana high or low.
Its color is emerald green.

* 5 ° Chakra-Visshuda-
is located in the throat. Controls

verbal communication and hearing.
He goes into the ways of the miraculous and mysterious.
The spoken word plants the seed of the event.

If you open this chakra, you know what the true causes and effects of everything they say, before speaking.

His voice was powerful and honest, his words are full of content. Not be entertained in minutiae.

But if he neglects the 5 th Chakra, his voice sounded weak and low, as someone who is afraid to be heard.

The lies, hypocrisy and fear to confront others, are symptoms de que el 5º Chakra está desequilibrado.

Partes del cuerpo que rige: Cuello y hombros.

Trastornos: Inflamación de garganta, resfriados, problemas de tiroides.

Sonido interior: Viento moviéndolas hojas de los arboles, agua corriendo.
Su color es el azul cielo.

*6º Chakra- Ajna-
Se encuentra en el centro de frente.

Está relacionado con el 3º ojo, el ojo que todo lo ve y el que permite adentrarse en las profundidades y los misterios de los mundos sutiles.

Cualidades positivas:
Claro entendimiento y alta capacidad para visualizar y entender conceptos mentales. Visiones interiores.
Cuando están despiertos the subtle meanings associated with this chakra has the ability to see auras, precognition, clairvoyance and remote viewing.

Negative qualities:
You have confused mental concepts or images of reality that are not true and usually negative. Too
intellectual, rational, superiority and self-centeredness.

governing body parts:
eyes and two brain hemispheres.

disorders: headaches, nightmares and impaired vision. Sound

interior: OM, like the roar of the raging sea.
Its color is indigo.

* 7 º-
Sahasrara Chakra-Located on the top of the head.

is related to the connection of people with their spirituality and the integration of your whole being, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

is characterized by humility, devotion and reverence to infinity.
Both Ida and Pingala twin forces are absorbed by Sushumna in the center of the forehead and crown come as a single force and pure.
went into the field of lighting.

governing body parts:
cortex, brain and entire body.

Disorders: alignment.
Its color is purple. Text

Bb. *************

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a chakra?

Chakra means "wheel" in Sanskrit. The closures used this term to describe the human body's energy centers. There are seven major and several secondary chakras which correspond to acupuncture points. Each is associated with some of the endocrine glands within the physical body.

These centers range in the swirling energy field that surrounds the physical body and is composed of successive layers of energy that vibrate at increasingly higher frequencies. Each chakra has a front and a rear, except the first and seventh. All are united by an energy channel that runs throughout the spine.
Main functions of the chakras:

1. revitalize each aural or energy body and thus the physical body
2. cause the development of various aspects of self, as each chakra is associated with a specific psychological function, and
3. transmit energy between the aural level as each progressive layer exists on ever-increasing frequency octaves.

When the chakras are functioning normally, each will be open, meaning turning clockwise to metabolize the particular energies needed from the universal energy field (energy also called chi, prana or orgone). When the chakra rotates counter clockwise, current flows from the center outward, which interferes with metabolism. Therefore, it is said that the chakra is closed or blocked energies coming.

Most people have three or four chakras spinning in the opposite direction at a given time. As the chakras are not only metabolizing energy, but also detected, used to provide information about the world around us. If we block any chakra, do not let in the information. So when our chakras flowing in the opposite direction clockwise, we leave our sending energy to the world, we detect the energy that we sent and we call it the world. This is what is called projection in psychology.

imaginary reality we project to the world relates to the "image" that we have formed of him through childhood experiences, through the child's mind we were. As each chakra is associated with a specific psychological function, which projected through each one of them is within the working area of \u200b\u200bthe chakra and will be something very personal, since vital experience of each person is unique. ************************************************

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What are the nadis?

The nadis are the subtle channels that deliver vital energy (prana) throughout the body. There are 72,000 nadis
spread throughout the body.
The 3 main nadis are
Ida, Pingala and SUSHUMNA.

SUSHUMNA is the main channel center, is located in the astral body in the cerebro-spinal axis from the ground up to the crown.
Ida and Pingala are respectively the left and right SUSHUMNA.

ADI represents the female force, moon, cold and passive.
channel is the physical and emotional energy, and is connected to the system parasympathetic nervous with the right brain and so with intuition and the creative.
If energy flows mainly through IDA, we are more aware of our physical body, our responses are guided primarily by feelings and because of this, our emotions are stronger. PINGALE

however, is the masculine force, solar, warm and active which is related to the sympathetic nervous system and the left hemisphere.
When power flows through Pingala, our thinking is oriented more towards the logical-mathematical aspects and to the rational mind.

as is clearly seen both together represent nadis todas las posibilidades de actividad física y mental, y porque es necesario su equilibrio para que la persona se encuentre en armonía.

IDA y PINGALA son los nadis por los que circula habitualmente la energía, produciendo el estado de conciencia dual.
Los 3 nadis convergen en 6 puntos, cada uno de los cuales forma un Chakra.
Texto de Bb. Elina

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

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LA VISUALIZACIÓN YOGA: La visualización se basa en el poder de las imágenes, es decir, toda imagen mental tiene un poder de influencia sobre la mente, de aquí que, los antiguos, conociendo el poder de las imágenes, las pintaban en sus templos para inducir y crear estados mentales positivos, raise the vibration and facilitate self-inquiry, self-awareness, the inner journey.

CONCENTRATION: Concentration is the emotion, shaking his willpower and focus on a single point. Concentrating, being made to achieve focus our mind, only in what we want. All mental and emotional energy is focused on one idea and it, put into practice, get done with relative ease. The senses do not work when there is deep concentration, there is awareness of the body or around us. The "WARNING" is the basis of concentration. The concentration is simply attention. Concentration is fixing the mind on one thing. This is easier if we show interest in the subject of concentration. There can be no real concentration without displaying a remarkable degree of interest and attention by the practitioner.
of the attention goes to the contemplation of it, and concentration and, finally, to meditation. The first is the base of the others. It is important to develop the habit of attention in everyday situations. This is to focus our minds on whatever is in front of us, learning to look at things carefully. This will lead us to discover many things that previously we had gone unnoticed. To perceive is to attend. Care is achieved by a clear understanding of the objects. An attentive person has very good memory. Who is not observant, it is not attentive care interest develops. When you do any work, dive into it. Forget about yourself, concentrate on the job. Mute other thoughts, not thinking about anything else. The mind can only attend to one thing at a time. A single drop of water can pierce the hardest rock, when there is persistence and falls on it continuously and at the same point. This helps to understand the great power of concentration.

MEDITATION AND YOGA: The practice of meditation provides a host of benefits. Meditation is a true source of rest. It is a break lasting spiritual and full of joy, which is to be experienced to be understood. Once it achieves this state of deep meditation, the sleep time can be reduced to three or four hours. During meditation there is generally a tremendous acceleration of energy to the cells. To penetrate all cells, the vibrations can prevent and cure diseases. Meditation is also a powerful mental and nerve tonic. The gentle waves that produce, exert a favorable effect on the mind and nerves, leading to a prolonged positive state. In meditation the inner world begins to be ordered from the mind and produces health physical, mental acuity and tranquility. Peace of mind, silence, self, friendly and purity of heart. These are the attributes of a mind in harmony. We can define meditation, how to get to stop all the tide of thought that usually exist in the mind and focus and maintain a constant flow in one thing, deepening it, forming part of the object of meditation. Meditation is a process of harmonization and tuning. Turns to a magnetic and attractive, making him who evokes love and dedication. Meditation opens the gates of wisdom, is the only way to achieve Immortality and Bliss.


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COMPLETE YOGA BREATHING: Learning to breathe is the most important thing we can do in our lives. If blood is poorly oxygenated, that is, if not deeply, and so we fill our lungs full, the little air inspired not be enough to regenerate and nourish our cells. Similarly, if the breath is poor and not completely emptied our lungs, waste and toxins secreted by the cells remain in our body, blood and impoverishing the daily undermining our health. Do not forget that an oxygen-poor blood, brings premature aging and lack of vitality besides causing multiple diseases. The Science of Yoga Pranayama teaches Science, to gain power and energy. Pranayama The first lesson is learning to control the movement of the lungs, diaphragm and respiratory muscles. Pranayama begins with the regulation of breathing and continues to control the life currents or internal forces. YOGA AND RELAXATION

: There are many diseases that man creates his own thought. The relaxation process is actually an exercise in positive mental suggestions, which are induced thoughts of health. The relaxation is to loosen the maximum whole body. But this is only the point starting, indispensable for achieving altered states of consciousness of the various stages of Raja Yoga or Mental Yoga. Relaxation should be aware at all times, as this energy is generated in the brain. Without relaxation there is no real yoga, no peace, nor joy, nor even health. Relaxation is the opposite of tension and contraction. It is loose and relax naturally. Energy is recharged and eliminate waste and toxins that the body can be disposed through this medium. Relaxation is a natural process carried out by all living things.

THE MANTRA: Everything in the universe is vibration. To the Yogis, the sound, like "Cosmic Vibration" is what the Universe originate and what drives their evolution. According to Yoga philosophy, "OM" is the original mantra, but many others exist. All mantras are intended, in principle, order and quiet the mind. As the mantra, can produce certain states of mind: calm, stillness, inwardness, concentration, activation of mental and psychic powers, joy, joy, etc.. A mantra is a mystical energy in a sound structure. Each mantra is constructed from a combination of sounds of the fifty letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. The mantra is repeated, using its vibration, to awaken one's energies of the person and raise the vibration of the mind. You must repeat the mantra with a defined rhythm and intonation, to generate a specific mode of thought, which manifests as energy. *************************

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physical exercises, gymnastics, aerobics, pilates, etc. Have only effect on the muscles and cause fatigue and overload. In contrast, the Asanas or yoga postures help to the preservation of internal organs and the proper irrigation of all parts of the body. And ensure the flexibility of bones and tissues. Its therapeutic value is proven and recognized even by traditional medicine, as reflected in the medical encyclopedia published by the WHO (World Health Organization). In the practice of yoga, there is no competition. Everyone works in their personal capacity, without exceeding its own limits and with no goal other than to get well and inner peace. In many sports and martial arts belts and categories are offered, it prepares the individual to compete with others and where there is competition, there will be violence, disputes and injuries. Yoga is anti-violence. The yoga asanas or exercises are, at a time, insurmountable physical exercise and a wonderful healing therapy, as they prevent multiple diseases. Back pain, weight problems, circulatory and nervous disorders (major enemies of man and woman present) are prevented, eliminated, or at worst, considerably diminished.

asana: dynamic and static in the body to develop strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination, rhythm, balance and tone.

Pranayama: Techniques conscious regulation of respiration, for heating, cooling, balance and vital energy properly distribute the body through inhalation, exhalation and retention of breath.

Mudra: Gesture of recanalization techniques and invigoration of vital energy into specific body points.

Bandhan: Techniques of contraction in some body parts to block, concentrate or hold power in parts of the body. *************************

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Hatha Yoga is ideal for a healthy body, elastic, smooth and resistant. Improve concentration, attention and memory. The usual practice of Hatha Yoga can gain more strength of character, discipline and will, qualities essential in this society to combat psychological disorders and broaden awareness. It is the yoga of physical strength and vitality, ideal for a flexible and healthy body is a system that requires optimum physical conditions. Hatha should be practiced by people who are physically healthy, but adapting it can be used to treat minor illnesses and correct some postural defects. In Hatha Yoga, Asana, means posture. The purpose of asana is to enable the Yogi to be overcome or suspend your body movements, which are the cause of the restlessness of soul that is identified with matter. The soul is a portion of Infinite peaceful, and the body is part of the restless nature. But the soul is identified with the restless body, and forget the nature of infinite serenity.

Hatha Yoga Asanas: Hatha Yoga is a system of asanas, posture or exercise, aiming to the fitness of the body for meditation. Hatha practice is to send the prodigal soul from the region of concern to his home in the realm of infinite serenity to achieve that we need to maintain correct posture in Hatha asana is any position in which the body is stationary free from anxiety and with the spine erect. When through the methodical practice of Hatha Yoga the spine remains erect without effort, then it flows freely through the vital energy and consciousness: Hatha facilitates raising the Kundalini energy from the lower chakras of the senses to the higher brain centers of spiritual realization. HATHA YOGA

The main basis of this system known as Hatha Yoga is clearly understood if we compare the life with an inverted V. The base of the left side of this inverted vee represents the birth. From there, the upward symbolizes the growth and development of all living (anabolic process) and brings him to the summit of life, youth, the apex of the vee. There is stable for a longer or less more or less, depending on the individual's lifestyle. After some time and Life Act (Act cycles) begins the process of degeneration, decline in the right line of the Vee to the base, through aging and nearing the end of every birth, death. HATHA YOGA POSITIONS
: The Hatha Yoga ensures those who practice it regularly in your body slow down the degenerative processes (catabolic processes) promoting and maintaining growth (anabolic process), increasing youth, extending and improving life. Who practices Hatha Yoga diligently, will become a perfect yogi, young or old, very old, sick or weak. Currently, it is considered that youth ranging from 18 to 30 years (depending on the mode of life). Anyone who knowingly persists in practicing Hatha, expand and maintain its youth, as it confers the power to prevent and eradicate disease, both physically and mentally. This can be guaranteed absolutely and achieved because the basic principles of Hatha Yoga regenerate the cellular system, activate and increase vital energy, regulate the action of the heart, lungs and blood circulation. Hatha Yoga is synonymous with perfect health, a consequence of living in harmony with Natural Law. ********************************

Sunday, February 15, 2009

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The term yoga comes together, means union. The union of mind and body balanced development. The yoga asanas are not just physical exercises, the practice highly concentrated, feeling the breath and relaxing. Thus we have the right conditions for peace, health and long life.
a) Yoga positively influences the mind, balancing, stilled and sublimated.
b) Step by step awakens the inner consciousness.
c) Prevents multiple physical and mental diseases.
d) awakens and activates the healing life energy that is distributed throughout the body.
e) Improving our character, while the entire body works in general, balancing the muscular system. Yoga provides strength and flexibility while revitalizes and rejuvenates us, with practice it will improve the performance of our internal organs, especially the glandular system, which is of vital importance.
yoga asanas: The series of asanas we practice are at once beautiful exercise and wonderful healing therapy that prevents many diseases. This is due to the great importance of Yoga in loans to the spine. Also contributing to the calm deep breathing, relaxation and meditation, revitalize the nervous system and fight stress.

asana practice is done very slowly and deep oxygenation avoiding the fatigue that results from the accumulation of lactic acid and energy loss that occurs when exercise is excessive. Yoga exercises are not movements, but positions, which must be kept immobile and effortless one time.

My yoga classes emphasize mainly on:
a) the slow movement.
b) mental focus on it.
c) deep breathing during practice.
d) the total immobility in the exercise continued.
e) relaxation during and after each exercise.

This yoga you can practice all kinds of people regardless of their age, ability or need. Unlike other styles of yoga, this can be practiced throughout life, at any age, providing many benefits, balancing the body, and that is preventive and curative. *****************************