Thursday, December 4, 2008

Female Doctor Check Male


Life is a very interesting experience. We all participate in a vast game we've agreed to play before coming here. The game consists of trying to spin our way between two worlds. Each has a different set of rules. On the one hand, it is this physical world, three-dimensional, we have to find food, shelter, clothing, company and where we must confront with others in the game, they also want to understand and deal with it. On the other hand, we have, so to speak, a four-dimensional world that shows us this reality as a product of our minds, an illusion, a "dream world", from the viewpoint of dimensional.

What is the benefit of knowing all this? That depends on whether you want to be a slave to his master's life. Being a slave of life is to accept that everything around you is the ultimate reality and act like you have no control over it. Is identified with the waves of energy passing through you from time to time, which we call emotions, to think that you are them, they are yours and let your mind these conditions, when in fact power was colored by your thoughts from the beginning. It's like a puppy chasing its tail.

Then there is the problem of other people. Everything would be great if others do what you want or expect them to do. But others are very stubborn creatures. More often do what they want, not what we want, even "know" that ours is the best way. So when others do not act according to our expectations and desires, we are terribly upset. This gives us an emotional trauma (Energy) along with feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. But, and consider this carefully, "when others do not act according to our own desires and expectations, then perhaps something is wrong in relation to our desires and expectations and not your behavior.

A slave's life is also terribly attached to material possessions, money, land, property. Loss or deficiency also cause emotional trauma and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. We look for objects that are "tangible" by our need for security, but this is a very fragile and ephemeral security. There is a parable in the Bible that reflects a fundamental truth. Is that of a man who worked and worked for years and years to fill their tanks and barns of wealth, only to discover, the same day that he thought he had obtained the sought material security, which should leave this life that night. We're just passing through this life.

The material world is only a tool for our experience. We are bound to suffer if we try to base our security on atoms that rotate together in patterns that are temporarily and if we think that this pattern is the only reality.

The master or the master of life knows-and become a potential love is here and now of every human being-dimensional experience is a reflection of thought and no more than that. As a teacher of life you realize that you choose what you experience through your core beliefs about life. Furthermore, you understand that to change your experience just change your beliefs and understand the difference between desire and belief. You know you and you alone are responsible for all your happiness or unhappiness. You also know one of the most important rules: that the way you experience life depends on how you choose to react to things that happen to you. Because this is an inalienable right that we all bring to birth.

choose to be happy or sad, angry or happy, anxious or comprehensive, intolerant or tolerant, inflexible or fluids. The slave chooses too, but let their choices are determined by the will or acts of others and put their power in the hands of others, and then try to blame others for their failures or their unhappiness. The master of life choose how you feel and react, in terms of what is most effective for him, regardless of what happens. You are at all times masters of their fate, while his power to choose their reaction is working. The difference is that the slave refuses to accept responsibility for their decisions, and held as a slave, while the master of life knowingly chooses and is free.

People talk about the courage it takes to choose efficiently and in the struggle that involves choosing a reaction and not another. In fact, the only courage that is required is to risk the displeasure of someone else, that comes from our decision. The only struggle is against your own fears and doubts. Of course, it is easier to float to swim, it is easier to get carried away by the current to lead the way, but float takes you to collide with sharp rocks and nasty, while swimming makes you safe. To further the analogy of swimming, consider any particular experience of life like an ocean current. The rip current is very strong and takes you away from the coast over hundred yards offshore.

Let us use this power as an example of a life experience on which apparently have no control. Caught in this current, a slave of life or panics or tries to fight the current. In this case, quickly loses its strength and drown or lose all hope and floats out to sea with the flow, in which case drowning anyway. The master of life, however, flows with the current until you feel the power of it is weakened and then turn around and swim to shore. Both the slave and the master go through the same experience. The difference lies in how they react to it. Command of life is not controlling it, is to have control of the relationship with it. A teacher does not control the wave surf. Has mastered the art of riding it. Serge Kahili

BY KING 1997

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In the course of our lives will accumulate a coating of fear, anger, envy, sadness, insecurity and many other negative feelings that cover our beautiful inner nature. This sheath is enhanced and reinforced by education and experiences of our childhood in contemporary life. We look like we are not: people angry and fearful, full of guilt and insecurity. We have forgotten of who we really are.

We do not need to learn what are love and balance, peace and compassion, forgiveness and faith. We know from the beginning. Our task is, however, forget those emotions and negative and harmful attitudes that plague our lives and cause much suffering to us, our communities and our world. When you go getting rid of those negative traits, lo and behold, we rediscover our true nature, our positive and loving me. It has always been there, but covered, obscured and forgotten.

When removed the outer layers of waste and filth, ideas and negative emotions, when we clean and polish the cladding, we can see again the true diamonds really are. We are souls immortal, divine and are progressing along a path. At bottom, diamonds have always been

rid of fear, anger and other negative emotions is important not only for the spiritual welfare but also for good physical health. Currently there is a widespread idea that mental stress (which includes negative emotions such as fear, anger, chronic anxiety and depression) is a major cause of illness and death worldwide. The body is closely linked to the mind, so that the moods and emotions are translated easily into physical symptoms. Love can heal, stress can kill ... Brian Weiss


Monday, December 1, 2008

ميكرو بكيني


You can say that mental activity is the defining characteristic of more advanced
animals and this is especially true for the human species. Yoga
traditionally identified four basic mental processes, which in Sanskrit are called
: mon, buddhi and chitta ahankara. Mon

(mind) is the act of receiving information. Then
involved buddhi (intellect) where we process and recognize
information and relate new information to previously acquired knowledge, often giving a
name. With anhankara (ego) evaluates the information regarding how we
affected. Finally, through chitta (feeling) we judge whether positive or negative
according to our feelings and learning acquired
what we like or not like.

mon first acts, the mind, which is responsible for receiving information. We absorb
endless information through the senses.
organs of senses are designed to translate electromagnetic pulse
energy that manifests as waves, pressure or chemicals. These signals are sent
, through electromagnetic reflections, at appropriate places in the brain.
This is an incredibly complex operation ─ the visual cortex of the brain is composed
billion neurons! ─ However, although we have received the message,
still have not felt the urge. This process is like that of a mirror
not recognize the image reflected in its surface simply reflects it.

Once the brain receives the raw image of the senses, the intellect
consistently processed according to our perception the world. This process generates buddhi active
a source of mental activity even greater than the
own reception. Modern research shows that vision, for example, depends very complex
interactive messages between different parts of the brain,
building a series of map overlays using
specialized regions of the cerebral cortex. Some cells or neurons "see" only vertical lines, horizontal or curved
other or movement or color. At least a dozen of these maps are combined and coordinated
consistently to associate and recognize the
image of a dog, a pencil or a parent.

After neutral process all this information, the
personalize and interact with us through ahankara, the principle of the ego.
constantly ask ourselves (subconsciously) "Is it me or not?
How does this affect me me? Is this good or bad for me - for my body, my
territory, my family, my possessions, my opinions? Do I threaten it in any form
?. " Calm your mind enough to observe your thoughts and
checks most of your thoughts are agitated
caused by concerns of ego.
But assessing things in relation to how they affect our ego, not
necessarily binds us to the illusion. After all, even the saints must take care of your body.

Through the influence of chitta, however, judge the world according to
what we like or not like. It is this, above all, what keeps us enslaved to
dream world of matter. The heart energy and converts it involves
information in a string of likes and dislikes. While we are without our
account in the constant act of judging, this will determine our level of happiness more than anything else
. This attitude will determine whether the world brings satisfaction or not. If during meditation
manage to distance yourself from your desires and what you do not like, just watch
mind, they will quickly focus the energy. In fact
Patanjali, a renowned scholar of antiquity, gave the classical definition of yoga,
"Yogas chitta vritti niroth" - "Yoga is the neutralization of the vortices
what we like and what we dislike."

The state of infinite joy in God awaits us in the quiet
silent, just beyond the desires and aversions. How to quiet the mind and calm emotions
? Deep focusing our mind and energy. In the last lesson learned
a powerful technique, Hong So, to concentrate
our energy. Power to calm the automatic result is calmness of thoughts and emotions

One of the greatest benefits of yoga is its recognition that all things are simply
different energy levels. Do not judge things as good or bad, rather
evaluates its ability to increase or decrease the energy.
Through experience we learn that intrinsically
happier when our energy is expansive and more unhappy when our energy is contractionary. By contrast
certain religious dogmas, yoga is not about suppressing energy but offers technical
to channel and means to transmute thoughts rather than repress

In meditation we strive to achieve a state of consciousness where the mind is calm
, focused and expansive. To succeed
first thing we must change is the tendency to worry. ***************************************

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Medal Bottle Sterilization

Switch to the Unified chakra is the most important step in the process of awakening that is the opening of our new way of operating multidimensional.

In the old energy, the chakras were shaped cone, centered on seven field centers of the physical body.

The role of the seven basic chakras so far has been to exchange energy inside and outside, processed and stored in memory. In addition, each school worked on an "independent", ie, each chakra had a different function even though the chakras are related, interconnected among them.

The heart chakra was a membrane or veil that prevented we had become multidimensional. He was there to keep the game of separation. Being in the 3 rd dimension is like a game, the game of illusion, the illusion of duality, good and evil, ego to feel separated from Spirit and from other beings.

The chakras are tapered and have a twisting motion.

chakras now evolve from separate cones into a unified chakra focused on the heart.

now change its conical shape to spherical and emit their radiation in all directions at the same time, as the heart chakra begins to dominate, the energy expands and the entire chakra system is unified.

is what we call the unified field (with the unified chakra meditation, we contribute to the creation of our light body).

The unified chakra to expand welcomes all experiences of the person, who will be living now in a completely different to how I lived with the chakras especially egoic separate.

circumstances, expectations are processed daily from the other chakras as well, but now with the highest frequency of love, marriage, joy and peace. Helping

merger also helps the chakras energy bodies, emotional, mental and spiritual merge and alienated.

form a unified field, linked directly to the Spirit, his soul and from there experience the following circumstances and stages in their evolution (unified chakra activation is just another stage in the process, although very important in their way.)

Therefore, the unification of the chakras is very important for their growth towards the light body.

also at that stage you will notice that when you're scared or emotional block will mean that the unit is separate from, and what you have to do is to realign and re-unify all your chakras in an expanded and thus the fears disappear.

The unified chakra is expressed as a large bright sun, it expands within and outside the body, welcoming all bodies, bringing more energy also to the unified field, and very important:

experience life from now on your unified chakra will gradually incorporating more and more light that no longer live your life with the pain of separation, emotional distress, because no more your love will be filtering through your mental fields, and your highest wisdom, through your emotional fields.

From now you can manage and create all the circumstances of your life, you get everything you need to come through your chakra unified in appropriate proportions.

You say and do the same things you did before at the level of ego, your personality, but with the difference now that other fields will power of love and be a little confused at first, being so different from what you usually feel usually, from the power game.

That is, apart from the chakras, were used to filter some of the energy

The 3 rd chakra power driving frequencies and 5 th and 6 th chakra, ways of thinking. In addition, depending on what chakra was open at that time, only allowed certain aspects of your Spirit come down to your lower fields.

Unlike the unified chakra allows everything, because everything is now from your be firmly rooted in the love rather than fear. *************************************************

How Long Can Chest Infection Keep You Off Work


There are stages of success when things come to you and develop, and stages of failure when things wither, disintegrate and you have to let go so that new ones may emerge, or to produce the transformation n.
If at that point, you cling and you resist, you are refusing to follow the flow of life, and that will make you suffer. The solution is needed to produce new growth. Both aspects can not exist separately.
The downturn is absolutely essential for spiritual realization. You must have failed miserably at some level, or experienced a serious loss or pain, to be attracted to the spiritual dimension. Or perhaps the very success has lost its meaning, is meaningless and becoming a failure.

The failure lies concealed in every success, and success in every failure. In this world, ie the level of forms, all "fail" sooner or later, and all end up as anything achievement. All forms are impermanent.
can stay active and enjoy expressing and creating new forms and circumstances, but they do not identify with them. You do not need to have an identity. They are not your life, only your life situation.
The cycle has a variable duration ranging from a few hours to several years. There are long cycles and short cycles in long cycles. Many diseases are created to combat low-energy phases, which are vital for regeneration. Compulsive action and the tendency to remove the self-esteem and identity from external factors, such as success, is an inevitable illusion as long as you identify with the mind.

This means you can not accept the low phases of the cycle that do not let them be. Finally, intelligence agency can take over the situation as far autoprotecció ny cause illness forces you to stop so I can have place the necessary regeneration.
As the mind judges that a state or situation is "good", it takes attachment and identify with it, whether it is a relationship as a possession, a social role, place, or your physical body. The identifi makes you happy, makes you feel good about yourself, and that state or situation can become part of who you are or who think you are.

But nothing is lasting in this dimension where moth and rust consume. The situation ends or changes, or may be a change of polarity: what yesterday or last year was good, suddenly or gradually becomes evil. The same situation that made you happy before, now makes you miserable. The prosperity of today becomes the empty consumerism of tomorrow. Happy wedding and honeymoon become a painful divorce or an unhappy coexistence.
Or it may be that disappears a situation and its absence makes you unhappy. When the state or situation with which the mind has identified changes or disappears, it can not accept it. Will adhere to the state that has disappeared and will resist change. It's almost as if we cut off a limb.
This means that your happiness and unhappiness are, in fact, the same thing. Only the illusion of time separates.

offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, tranquility and lightness, a state that does not depend on things being a certain way, good or bad.
seems paradoxical, however, when internal dependence disappears as the general life situation, which is related to the external forms, seems to improve greatly. Things, people or situations you thought needed to be happy now come to you without effort or struggle on your part, and you are free to enjoy and appreciate them while they last.
All those things, obviously, will have an end, the cycles will and come, but when it disappears dependence also disappears fear of loss. Life flows with ease.

Happiness derived from a secondary source is never very deep. Only a pale reflection of the joy of Being, the vibrant peace that you find inside yourself when you enter the state of non-resistance. Being takes you beyond the polar opposites of the mind and frees you from dependence on the form. Although all collapsed and collapsed around you, in the depths of your inner core you would still feeling alone. Can not you felt happy, but at least you would be at peace.


IDO MÁS ALLÁ DE LOS OPUESTOS MENTALES, te vuelves como un profundo lago. La situación externa de tu vida, y lo que ocurra allí, es la superficie del lago. A veces está en calma, otras veces agitada, dependiendo de los ciclos y las estaciones. Sin embargo, en lo profundo, el lago siempre permanece inalterado. Tú eres todo el lago, no sólo la superficie, y estás en contacto con tu propia profundidad, que permanece absolutamente quieta.
No te resistes al cambio aferrándote mentalmente a ninguna situación. Tu paz interna no depende de ello. Habitas en el Ser —inmutable, intemporal, inmortal— y ya no dependes del mundo externo, de las formas eternamente cambiantes, para sentirte feliz o satisfecho. You can enjoy the shapes, play with them, create new things, appreciate the beauty of things ... but you need not stick to anything.
While you are unaware of Being, the reality of other human beings will avoid you because you have not found yours. Your mind will accept or reject the way of others, it's not just your body, also includes your mind. The true relationship is only possible when you are aware of Ser

Coming from Being, you will perceive the body and mind of another person as if they were only a screen behind which you can feel their true reality, as you feel yours. So when you have to face the suffering of another person or unconscious behavior, this will keep you in contact with the Self, and be able to look beyond the form and feeling fresh and radiant Being of the other person through you.

At the level of Being, one recognizes that all suffering is illusory. Suffering is due solely to the identifi to form. Sometimes when the person is ready, the awakening of consciousness to be produced miraculous healings.
Compassion is the awareness of the deep bond that unites you to all creatures. The next time you say "I have nothing in common with that person ', remember that you do have much in common, within a few years, which are two or seventy does not make much difference, both of you will have become putrefaction corpses, then piles of dust and then in nothing at all. This awareness fosters a sense of sanity and humility, and leaves no room for pride. Is this a negative thought? No, it's a fact. Why give back? In this sense, there is total equality between you and all other creatures.

ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL SPIRITUAL PRACTICE is to meditate deeply on the mortality of physical forms, including its own. This is called "dying before dying."
Enter this practice deeply. Your physical form is dissolving, fails. Then comes a time when all thought-forms or thoughts also die. However, you, the divine presence that you are, you're still there. Radiant, fully awake.
Nothing real ever died, only names, forms and illusions.
In this deep level, compassion becomes healing in the broadest sense. In that state, your healing influence is not primarily based on doing, but in being. All people that come in contact will feel touched by your presence and affected by the peace that comes, you are aware of it or not.

When you are fully present and people around you shows unconscious behavior, you feel the need to react to it because it does not give the nature of reality. Your peace is so deep and vast that anything that is not peace disappears into his breast as if it never existed. This breaks the karmic cycle of action and reaction.
animals, trees and flowers will feel your peace and respond to it. You teach by your being, demonstrating the peace of God.
You become the "light of the world", an emanation of pure consciousness, and thus eliminate the pain of root. You eliminate unconsciousness from the world.


The quality of your consciousness at this moment is the main determinant the kind of future experience s, so surrender is the most important thing you can do to bring about positive change. Any action you take is secondary. No truly positive action can come from a state of consciousness than surrender.
For some people, surrender may have a negative connotation that implies defeat, resignation, inability to respond to the trials of life, lethargy, etc. True surrender, however, is something entirely different. It does not mean passively endure any situation where you're not doing anything about it. Nor does it mean to stop making plans or initiating positive action.

SURRENDER WISDOM IS A SIMPLE but involves giving more profound than that oppose the flow of life. The only place where you can experience the flow of life is now, so surrender is to accept the present moment unconditionally and without reservation. Is to relinquish inner resistance to what it is. Resisting
internally is to say no to what the trial is by mental and emotional negativity. The resistance is often exacerbated when things 'go wrong', which means there is a gap between the demands or rigid expectations of your mind and what it is. In this gap nests pain.
If you've lived long enough, you'll know that things "go wrong" quite often. It is in these moments when you have to give up if you want to eliminate pain and suffering in your life. The acceptance of what is immediately frees you from your mental and identifi again connect with the Self Resistance is the mind.

Surrender is a purely internal and does not imply that the outside can not take action to change the situation.
In fact, to give up do not have to accept the general situation, but only a small segment called the Now. For example, if while you're driving through the countryside you get stuck in the mud, do not say, 'Okay, I resign myself to get stuck. "Resignation is not surrender.


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WHY HAVE NOT ACCEPT A STATE OF LIFE unpleasant or undesirable. You do not have to cheat and tell you that there is nothing wrong. No. fully acknowledge that you leave it, and then you limit your attention to the present moment without putting any mental label.
That means no opinion on the now. Therefore, there is no resistance or emotional negativity. Accept the moment as it is.
After you get into action and make every effort to escape the situation.
That's what I call positive action. It is much more effective than negative action, arising out of anger, despair or frustration. To achieve the desired result, continue to practice the label refusing to surrender now. Let

a visual analogy to illustrate the point I am trying to expose. You are walking at night along a path and you're surrounded by a dense fog. But you have a very powerful flashlight that runs through and creates a narrow, clear space in front of you. The fog is your life situation, including past and future, the flashlight is your conscious presence, the clear space is now.
Non-surrender hardens your psychological form, the shell of the ego, creating a strong sense of separation. The world around you, and in particular people, can seem threatening. Unconscious compulsive need arises to destroy others through trials, and also to compete and dominate. Even nature becomes your enemy, because your perceptions and interpretations are governed by fear. Mental illness we call paranoia is only a slightly more acute in this state of consciousness, normal but dysfunctional.

not only your psychological form but also your physical, your body, it hardens and becomes rigid because of the resistance. There is tension in different parts of the body and this whole contracts. The free flow of bodily energy which is essential for health is very restricted.
Bodywork and certain types of physical therapy may help restore the flow, but unless you practice accountability in everyday life, these therapies are limited to relieving symptoms temporarily, because the cause of tension-the -resistance pattern has not been dissolved.
There's something inside you that is not affected by temporary circumstances that make your life situation, and only allows access to surrender it. It's your life, your very Being, who exists eternally in the timeless realm of the present.

unsatisfactory or even intolerable, if you start by giving up only you can break the unconscious resistance pattern that perpetuates that situation.
Surrender is perfectly compatible with the action, initiating change or achieving goals.
But, in the state of surrender, your action flowing from a completely different energy, another quality. Surrender connects you with the source-energy of Being, and you do, be imbued with, it becomes a joyful celebration of life energy that takes you deep into the now. Non-resistance
greatly enhances the quality of your consciousness and, therefore, the quality of whatever you're doing or creating. Then the results will come by themselves and reflect that quality. This we might call "action rendered"

see clearly what to do and start acting, you doing one thing at a time, you focus on one thing at a time.
Learn from nature: see how it all unfolds and how the miracle of life without insatisfacció n or unhappiness.
For this reason Jesus said, "Behold the lilies of the field grow, nor strive not get caught."

if your situation is often unrewarding or unpleasant
separates this moment and surrender to what it is. This is the flashlight that lets you see in the fog. So your state of consciousness no longer controlled by external conditions. And non-parties from a state of reaction and resistance. After observing the specifics of the situation. Ask yourself: "Is there anything I can do to change it, improve it or away from it?" If so, take appropriate action.
Do not focus on the hundred things you have to do or what you may have to do in the future, but the only thing you can do now. That does not mean you should not plan. It could very well be that what you have to do right now is planning. But be sure not to start creating "mental movies" that you constantly projecting into the future, perdiendo de ese modo el ahora. Cualquier acción que emprendas puede no dar fruto inmediatamente. Hasta que lo haga, no te resistas a lo que es.

y tampoco consigues salir de la situación, úsala para entrar más profundamente en la rendición, más profundamente en el ahora, más profundamente en el Ser.
Cuando entras en esta dimensión intemporal del presente, a menudo el cambio se presenta de maneras extrañas, sin necesidad de hacer gran cosa por tu parte. La vida se muestra servicial y cooperativa. Si había factores internos, como el miedo, la culpa o la inercia, que te impedían actuar, se disolverán a la luz de tu presencia consciente.
Do not confuse surrender with an attitude of "nothing can bother me" or "things do not matter to me." If you look closely, you'll see that this position is tinged with negativity in the form of hidden resentment, so it's not surrender, but masked resistance.
As you go giving up, turn your attention inward to check if you have left a trace of resistance. Be very alert when you do, otherwise, a pocket of resistance can still hidden in some dark corner in the form of a thought or emotion recognition.


begins by acknowledging that there is resistance.
Be present when it happens, the resistance arises. Watch how your mind creates, how to label the situation, yourself, to others. Watch the thought process involved. Feel the power of emotion. Witnessing
see that resistance is useless. By focusing all your attention on the now unconscious resistance is made conscious and that is its purpose.
can not be conscious and unhappy, conscious and negative. Negativity, unhappiness or suffering, whatever they are, indicate that there is resistance, and resistance is always unconscious.
Would you choose unhappiness? And if you have not chosen, how is that it has arisen? What is its purpose? Who keeps it alive?
Even if you are aware of your feelings of unhappiness, the truth is that you have identified with them and keep the process alive through identifi compulsive thinking. All this is unconscious. If it were conscious, that is, if you were fully present in the now, all negativity would dissolve almost instantly. I could not survive in your presence. You can only survive in your absence.

Not even the pain-body can survive for long in your presence. Keep your unhappiness alive by giving time. That's their life blood. If you remove the time by a strong sense of time This, it dies. But will you die? Are you sure you've had enough? Who would you be without your unhappiness? Until
accountability practices, the spiritual dimension is something you read, what you talk about, something about what you write books and that stimulates you, something I think, something in what you believe or not believe, according to the case. All this makes no difference.

causes it to become a reality in your life.
When you surrender, the energy emanating from and then run your life is a vibrational frequency much higher than the mental energy that rules the world.
A través de la rendición, la energía espiritual entra en este mundo. No genera sufrimiento para ti, para los demás seres humanos ni para el resto de los seres vivos del planeta.


Es cierto que sólo una persona inconsciente intentará usar o manipular a las demás, pero es igualmente cierto que sólo una persona inconsciente puede ser usada y manipulada. Si te resistes o luchas contra el comportamiento inconsciente de otros, tú mismo te vuelves inconsciente.
Pero rendirte no significa permitir que te utilice la gente inconsciente. En absoluto. Es perfectamente posible decir «no» a una persona con firmeza y claridad o salir of a situation while at the same time, an internal state of complete non-resistance.

WHEN YOU SAY "NO" to a person or situation, this refusal has not come from the reaction, but of intuition, a clear awareness of what is right for you at that time.
Make it a 'no' non-reactive, "no" high quality "no" free of any negativity that does not create more suffering.
If you can not give, act immediately: voice your complaint, do something that could change the situation, or retreat from it. Take responsibility for your life.
not pollute your beautiful, radiant inner Being nor the Earth with negativity. Do not give unhappiness in any form, a place to live within.

IF YOU CAN NOT take action, for example because you're in prison, then you have two choices: resistance or surrender. The captivity or freedom internal to external conditions. Suffering or inner peace.
The surrender will profoundly change your relationships. If you can not accept what is, that means you can never accept people as they are. The judge, critique, labels, reject or try to change.
addition, if you always do from now a means to an end future, it will become to each person you meet or with whom you interact on a means to an end. The relation-man-is then of secondary importance to you, or will not matter. The bottom line is what you make of the relationship, whether a material gain, a sense of power, physical pleasure or some kind of gratification for the ego. Let me illustrate how surrender can work in relationships.

or in any conflict situation, perhaps with your partner or someone close to you, start by looking at how you become defensive when they attack your position, or feel the force of your own aggression when you attack the other person's position.
Observe the attachment to your views and opinions. Feel the mental-emotional energy behind your need to be right and to note that the other person is wrong. That's the power of your egoic mind. Become aware of recognizing, feeling as fully as possible.
Then one day, in the midst of an argument, you suddenly realize you have a choice, and perhaps decide to leave your reaction just to see what happens. Give up.
I do not mean you stop reacting verbally saying, "Okay, you're right," with a condescending look is really saying: "I'm over this childish unconsciousness." So just get moved to another field resistance, which the egoic mind still in charge and claiming their superiority. I'm talking about releasing the entire field of mental-emotional energy that was struggling for power within you.
The ego is crafty, that's why you have to be very alert, very present, and be completely honest with yourself to see if it has waived your identifi with a mental position, thus freeing the mind.

AND THEN IF YOU FEEL VERY LIGHT, clear, in profound peace,
that's a sign that you have given really. Observe then what happens to the mindset of the other person when you stop to energize through resistance. When identifi with mental positions aside, the real communication begins.
not resist not necessarily mean doing nothing. All that means is that the 'action' will not be reactivated. Remember the profound wisdom behind the Eastern practice of martial arts: do not resist the opponent's strength. Yield to overcome.
"do nothing" when you're in a state of intense presence is a powerful transformer that heals people and situations.
is radically different from inactivity in the ordinary state of consciousness, or rather unconsciousness, which stems from fear, inertia or indecision. The real "do nothing" means no internal resistance and intense alertness. On the other hand, if action is needed, and not react from your conditioned mind, but will respond to the situation from your conscious presence. In that state, your mind is free from concepts, including the concept of non-violence. So ... who can predict what will you do?

The ego believes that strength lies in resist, when resistance actually separates you from being, the only state in real power. Resistance is weakness and fear masquerading force. The ego believes that the weakness is your Being in its purity, innocence and power. What I think strength is weakness. Therefore, the ego exists and is maintained by continued resistance, and represents false papers to conceal your "weakness", which actually is your power.
Until there is accountability, much of human interaction is limited to carrying unconscious roles. When you surrender, you no longer need the masks of the ego and its defenses. You become very simple, very real. "That's dangerous," says the ego. "I feel hurt. You are very vulnerable. "
What the ego does not know, of course, is that only by abandoning the resistance, making it" vulnerable " you can discover your true and essential invulnerability.

Practicing the Power of Now
****************************************** *********

Friday, November 28, 2008

Moroccan Fabric Hanging


All extensions are universal field of energy, different points of view of a single entity. This involves seeing the world all things to all people in the world, and realize that we're watching another version of ourselves. You and I are the same. Everything is the same. Everyone

mirrors the other and we must learn to see ourselves reflected in others. This is called the mirror of relationships. Through the mirror of a relationship, I discover my circumscribed. For this reason, the development of relations is the most important of my life. All I see around me is an expression of myself.
Relationships are a tool for spiritual evolution whose ultimate goal is unity in consciousness. We are all inevitably part of the same universal consciousness, but the real progress occur when we begin to recognize that connection in our everyday lives.

Relationships are one of the most effective ways to achieve unity in consciousness, because we are always involved in relationships. Think Network relationships that hold parents, children, friends, coworkers, loving relationships. All are, in essence, spiritual experiences. When you're in love, romantic and deeply in love, have a sense of timelessness. At that time, you are at peace with uncertainty. You feel great, but vulnerable, feel closeness but also vulnerability. You transformándote, changing, but without fear. I feel wonderful. That is a spiritual experience.
Through the mirror of relationship, each of them, we found prolonged states of consciousness. Both those we love and those for whom we feel rejection, are mirrors of ourselves. To whom we are attracted? To people who have similar characteristics to ours, but that's not all. We want to be in his company because subconsciously feel that by doing so, we can express more of these characteristics. Similarly, rejection of people feel that reflect the characteristics that we deny in ourselves. If you feel a strong negative reaction to someone, you can be sure that you and this person have common features, features that are not willing to accept. If accepted, do not bother.

When we can recognize ourselves in others, every relationship becomes a tool for evolution of our consciousness. Thanks to this development experience extended states of consciousness.
The next time you feel attracted to someone, ask yourself what attracted you. "Her beauty, grace, elegance, authority, power or intelligence? Whatever it was, be aware that this feature also flourishes in thee. If you pay attention to those feelings you can start the process of becoming more fully yourself.

The same applies to those people to feel rejection. By adopting more fully your true self, you understand and accept your less attractive features. The essential nature of the universe is coexistence of opposite values. You can not be brave if you're not a coward on the inside, you can not be generous if you're not a cheapskate, you can not be virtuous unless you have the ability to act with malice.

spend much of our lives denying the dark side and projecting those features dark finish on those around us. Have you known people who routinely attract into your life to the wrong subject? Usually, those do not understand why this happens again and again, year after year. It is that appeal that darkness is not willing to adopt them in their own lives.

An encounter with a person you do not like is an opportunity to accept the paradox of coexistence of opposites, to discover a new side of you. It is another step towards the development of your spiritual being. The more enlightened people of the world accept their full potential in light and dark. When you're with someone who recognizes and endorses their negative traits, you never feel judged. This only happens when people see good and evil, right and wrong, and external features.

When we are willing to accept the light and dark sides of our being, we can begin to heal ourselves and heal our relationships. We are all multidimensional omnidimensionales. Everything that exists somewhere in the world also exists within us. When we accept these different aspects of our being, we acknowledge our connection with universal consciousness and expand our personal awareness.

The features that distinguish more clearly on the other are present in us. When we can see in the mirror of relationship, we begin to see our whole being. This requires being at peace with our ambiguity, accept all aspects of us. We need to recognize, at a deeper level, to have negative characteristics does not mean that we are imperfect. Nobody has only positive features. The presence of negative characteristics just means that we are complete, thanks to the whole, we can more easily access to our universal, not restricted.
Once you can see in others, it will be easier to contact them, and through that connection, discover the consciousness of unity. This is the mirror power relations
Deepak Chopra


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What Is Shiny Stone For In Soul Silver


Dr. Ialeakala

Ihaleakala has a doctorate degree in psychology and was once native Hawaiian practice in the profession, the Hawaii State Hospital, but more importantly it is a Kahuna ("guardian of secrets ") and successor espiritual de otra Kahuna extraordinaria Mornah Simeona.
Ihaleakala es un señor de apariencia normal lo que le interesa primordialmente es compartir la información que le ha convertido en lo que es: un ser que irradia paz, que es gracioso, que es más real que los pastores de antaño, y que no se las da de nada, más bien le gusta pasar desapercibido. Le interesa compartir el Ho’oponopono para que los que reciben la información se conviertan en seres independientes que no tengan que recurrir a él y que puedan a aprender a caminar por la vida RELAJADAMENTE.

Ho’oponopono en hawaiano quiere decir “rectificar un error”. De acuerdo con los antiguos hawaianos, los errores proceden de pensamientos which is affected by painful memories of the past. The Ho'oponopono is a way to release the energy of these painful thoughts which cause imbalance and disease. Ho'oponopono, an ancient system of understanding life and spirit that provides answers for today's world and that Dr. Ialeakala has been updated.

- Ho'o means "cause" in Hawaiian and ponopono "means perfection.
all have the ability to return to the original perfect state where there was no division or duality in us, comparable to a blank page where there are no preconceived ideas and reigns a perfect state of peace "-. He states that" we create our physical universe exactly as is. And not only that but each of us has the power to correct the erroneous thinking that can create an imperfect reality.

Or, in other words, everything exists as thoughts in our minds. There is nothing outside of us. Everything is within us. "
He concludes:" Your mind is your own projector. If you do not like the movie, stop the projector and put a new one, is as simple as that. Believe me - Operates "
Ho'oponopono is really very simple. For the ancient Hawaiians all problems are reduced to a thought. But having a thought is not itself a problem. So what's the problem? The problem is that all our thoughts are imbued with painful memories, memories of people, places and things.

When practicing Ho'oponopono, divinity takes the painful thought and purifies .. Then, there is something wonderful, not only the negative energy is neutralized, it disappears. In its place is a blank. Buddhists call it the Void. The last step is to allow the Divine in and fill the void with light.
The Hawaiians of old were outstanding psychologists and psychiatrists who learned to get in touch with the vast powers of the mind. The Ho'ponopono was an inseparable part of his philosophy of life and their way of life. This process permeated every fiber of their existence, their family relationships, activities, education and training of children and their relationship with nature and the cosmos.

The primary purpose of Ho'oponopono is to discover the divinity within us. Through Ho'oponopono can practice a relationship with divinity and learn to ask in every moment that our errors in thought, word and action be cleansed. The end result is freedom, achieving the total liberation of the past.

I put the link to download the book in pdf:

Charity Golf Tournament Flyer


The same issues as always, but with a little humor:

Since this turtle learned to love unconditionally, its external reality, that accurately reflects how your inner world, also failed to impose conditions. As proof, here we see ... levitating!

Loving oneself certainly does wonders ... launched for its benefit and for others, the following virtuous circle:

1. Because they want to feel very well, comfortable with herself. To others, then find it easy to love her.

2. Loving and beloved knowing makes you feel completely happy.

3. And feeling totally happy causes, of course, radiate love to others and to herself.

The little turtle's ego is also represented in the picture: far behind, on one side, clearly in the background. Paradoxically, it is much more useful now than when he claims to exclusive ownership.

From his expression, finally, we can guess the secret of the turtle: it is fully consistent with being herself and feels deep gratitude for being who he is, although he lucky to be touched on in this life, just a turtle ... Axel

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Pain In Between Thumb

CURA (Ho'oponopono)

The following text was written by Dr. Joe Vitale
. History tells us his thoughts and
contain a challenge and a blessing
external reality to us is our own individual creation, and if
fully accept this fact, we
heal through love.

Healing your world begins with you
two years ago, I heard about a therapist Hawaii who cured a ward full of patients
criminals with serious diseases (mad)
without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look
within himself to see how he (the psychologist) had created the disease
of that person. To the extent that he improved, the patient improved as well.
The first time I heard about this story, I thought it was an urban legend
. How could anyone heal anyone else trying to heal itself? And how could
, even a true master, with great power
self-healing, healing the criminally insane? He had any sense, it was not logical
. So I dismissed the story.

However, I heard it again a year later.
The therapist had used a Hawaiian healing process
called Ho'oponopono.
had never heard of this technique, however
could not stop thinking about that story. If it was totally
true, I had to know more.
I had always understood "total responsibility"
meant that I am responsible for what I think and I
. But what is beyond, is out of my hands
. I think most people think the same about
responsibility: we are responsible for what they do, not what others make
. But that does not.

The Hawaiian therapist who healed those mentally ill, Dr. Hew Len
Ihaleakala, teach me a new perspective on what the total
responsibility. We probably talked
an hour in our first phone conversation. I asked him to tell the full story of
his work as a therapist.
He explained that he worked at Hawaii State Hospital for four
years. Ward where they kept the sick was dangerous criminals. For general
Psychologists quit a month to work there.
Most staff members became ill shortly
or simply quit. People who crossed the hall walked with their backs against the wall
, fearful of being attacked by patients. It was not a pleasant
place to live, work, or to visit.

Dr. Len told me that he never saw patients. Agreed to have an office and study
bundles. While looking at those files, he worked on himself. And
while doing so, the patients improved.
"After a few months, which must remain shackled were being allowed to
could walk freely," he said. "A others, who were medicated
to keep permanently, they could reduce the dosage. And
some who had not ever had the chance of being released, were discharged
. " I was amazed. "Not only that," he continued, "but the personal
began to enjoy their work."

"Absenteeism and staff turnover fell dramatically.
ended up with more staff than we needed because patients were
released, but all the staff came to work. Today, that ward is closed. "
This is, of course, where I made the big question dollars, "What were you doing
himself that caused the change in these people?"
"was simply healing the part of me that had created their
diseases," he said. I did not understand. Dr. Len explained that total responsibility
extends to everything that is present in your life,
simply because it is in your life. It is your responsibility in a literal sense.
whole world is your creation.

Wow! This is very difficult to accept.
be responsible for what I do or say is one thing. But being responsible for what
that anyone in my life do or say, is another very
different. If you take complete responsibility for your life,
then everything you see, hear, taste, touch or
experience, anyway, it's your responsibility.
This means that terrorist activity, the president of your
country, economy or anything
experience and do not like it, are there for you the heal. There are, for
speaking, except as projections from inside your
. The problem is not out there is in you, and to solve it, you must

I know this is hard to accept, much less actually live.
throw to another fault is much easier to assume total responsibility.
But as I spoke with Dr. Len, I began to realize that this healing as
particular Ho'oponopono means loving yourself fully.
If you want to improve your life, you heal your life. If you want to cure anyone, even
a mentally ill criminal you do it by healing yourself.
I asked Dr. Len how he went about healing himself, what he did when he looked exactly
the files of the patients.

"Just say 'Sorry' and 'I love you' over and over again," he explained, "I
feel ... I love you."
"Is that all?"
"That's it."
"Turns out that loving yourself is the best way to improve yourself. And
as you improve yourself, improve your world. "

Let me give you a quick example of how this works: an opportunity
e-mail I received a very aggressive, that upset me. Normally I would have tried to manage the situation
working on my emotional
more negative or trying to reason with the person who sent the message.
This time I decided to try Dr. Len's method. I kept silently saying "I
sorry" and "I love you." Do not tell anyone in particular. I was just
invoking the spirit of love to heal within me what was creating the outer circumstance
At the end of an hour I got another e-mail from the same person.
apologized for the previous message. Keep in mind that I did not realize any external action that provoked the apology
. Not even answer the message. However, only
saying "I love you" somehow healed within me what was creating

later attended a Ho'oponopono workshop led by Dr. Len, who has
now 70 years old and is a venerable and solitary shaman.
He praised my book, "The Attractor Factor." He told me that while I improve myself
same, the "vibration" of my book will increase and everyone will feel when they read.
In short, as I improve, my readers will improve.
"What will happen to the books already sold and have left me?" I asked.
"They have not really gone," he said once again blowing my mind
his mystic wisdom. "They are still
within you." In short, there is no outside.
take me an entire book trying to explain this technique with the necessary depth
to convey something like that when you are
enhance any
aspect or situation in your life, there is only a place to try:
within. And when you look, do it with love. " Dr. Joe Vitale


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wedding Program Wording Theknot Thank You

Does the Karma can be changed and is unchangeable? PREJUDICE AND SPIRITUAL COMPETITION

The laws of life are few and
same to all levels.
physical laws are essentially the same as the laws
Thus we see that the principle of action and reaction
Physics, whereby each
action corresponds an equal and opposite
applies to human beings
through the law of karma: what you sow
reap. If you sow evil will reap evil
in the form of suffering, if you sow good
reap goodness in the form of inner joy.

matter responds to thought

To understand the karma we
understand that thoughts are things. The
universe, ultimately, no matter consists
but of conscience.
matter responds, more than most people think
, the power of thought, whether express
directly or through an action.
people just think their own thoughts or acts
are bad, but if
create discord in the other, these waves of discord

inevitably come back to them in the form of suffering.
human suffering is not a sign of God's wrath toward
humanity is, however, a sign of
ignorance of the divine law by the

Countering negative karma

In general, what makes you
as karma is what you've created in your own
past acts. But there is a mass
The manner and extent to which an individual
is affected by the mass karma
depends on the strength of his individual karma. For example,
not all people who die in a plane crash
necessarily have
karma for that to happen to them. Karma simply
was more powerful than the minority whose karma was
live. However, those who have a strong enough karma
be saved, either
during the accident or not taking that
For example, the mother of a member of Ananda Village
had booked a flight to California
. Shortly before leaving home, his daughter
phoned him and suggested that more
visit later, so I canceled the reservation.
The plane crashed and all passengers died
To counteract any potential negative karma is mass

always good to pray before taking a trip, go by car, etc.
Pray and put your life and your confidence in God's hands. Free

The source of all karmic implications
is attachment to ego, therefore, the first
step out of karma is to cut any
concerning the implications of the ego in terms
do. An important aspect of this
is to act without desire for the fruits of your actions.
To get to perform actions without desire
must neutralize the waves in the heart of your
likes and dislikes. We do this gradually
through deep meditation
and kindness, forgiveness and compassion.
The freer you do inside, each
time will be less affected by the inevitable ups and downs of life
So work on your reactions to external circumstances
. I know inside
happy, knowing you'll never change things and make
please thee outside.

Swami Kriyananda. *************************************

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Homemade Fountain Ideas

When we judge other person or what is, when we have beliefs about their behavior or make value judgments about other people, it is likely that we are misguided. Do not know what is happening to that person, what your deep motivations. If we barely know ourselves, we can capture some of the others, however, the vast majority of judgments we make are of negative criticism, then this process becomes a game of amusement to see many other things I avoid putting his attention to me.

I'll mention something important I want you to always remember: "The person who accepts and loves itself, loses interest in judging others"
A trial value is reassuring because it makes us believe there is an knowledge we have with which "we look to another person or situation. "And so we create a momentary sense of peace that keeps us from reaching a true knowledge. It seems that people do not tolerate not knowing, against the gap of knowledge, unless we get information we fill with our imagination. do you remember children's play "broken telephone" where a message is passed from one to another until it reaches the last person the message of the originator but with the addition and subtraction through each child's personal?, as very similar happens with adults, lack of knowledge of the subject is complemented by beliefs, assumptions, imagination, etc ... Hence the criticism is so destructive.

usually occurs People who are in the process of personal development and even spiritual, conscious as compared with others who are also directed towards these goals of transcendence, and in doing so appears all that is trying to overcome: competition, rampant obsession to obtain certain results linked to the concept of success, attachments and identifications with objects or material possessions, fixed roles in behavior, false ideas of self, etc.
The competition arises from a comparison with another person and leads to rivalry and competition leads inexorably to a state of war, a war that was first forged in the interior and would inevitably be realized in the world in some way: Discussion verbal, physical confrontation, social conspiracy and taken to a deeper level involving the fight with powerful weapons. There is a basic law in the universe that holds that the process once started deepens, twisting vibrational frequency that is great work, the movement has its own principle of inertia, commonly called a trend. Observe the trend allows us to anticipate the final outcome of that process.

In this sense to have a thought of hostility towards another person derive inexorably in the act of harming that person in some way. Gandhi said: "Competition is violence."
Any internal violence will manifest in some way my world, like it or not. So quiet my mind, if I have not decided on a deep level, that will lead to a break out of emotions that will hatch in any way in the material world. We know that thoughts are energies that are very strong. Before, when we knew little about quantum physics, if a house is spoiled several appliances at once spoke of bad luck or spirits, we now know that the matter depends on the observer, which is not separated from the observer absolute, nor is the space or time, this is the famous law of relativity, the relative is that the relationship between the observer and the material world, the relationship between the mass of a body with its gravity and the speed of light is in direct relation with time.

still drag a concept of absolute space and time although some of us say it is not so. The same is true when we are undergoing a process of self-knowledge, which we call spiritual, we tend to move the way of understanding the reality of the world captured only and apply our rationality. How we judge other spiritual paths and in so doing, try to place on a higher plane.
All trial is located above, because only from above we can see the whole picture. You do not want to accept that we are still in a very low level of vibration frequency as judge others, only exercise violence in the sense of competence, as Gandhi said. There is violence in the competition because there is conflict and confrontation strengthens polarity. If we were on a high plane would have passed the duality or polarity. So when I hear someone considers the developmental level of another person, I shudder. Who knows what the meaning of life on the other board in this great universe.

may be the superior role dislodge the lives of others to help them evolve. In literature they say that the character of evil is that drives the action. Without the bad making mischief, resisting, scheming and carrying out actions that stand in the way of the heroine or hero would not matter, there would be no story in the strict literary sense.
The bad character can be understood as a person of flesh and bone or may be a storm or a character's inner conflict. Without duality there is no life on planet earth and we know very little what does each one of us here to have this great plan of the universe is carried out. The proof is that humans are affecting the eco system by removing species that perform. Everything has a meaning or a specific task in the plan. And we're not trained in the level of consciousness in which we are to judge the way of others.

I have read almost every book of biography American actress Shirley MacLaine. In one of them had a revelation. It's just a very short chapter in the middle of stories about her life in Hollywood, his travels and his spiritual experiences. Suddenly, near the end of the book Shirley discovers that her husband cheated financially and that made her billionaire, declared bankruptcy.
had worked all his life doing two three daily shows in Broadway musicals and movies that we all know, had given her husband his money. Ensuing crisis, the judicial process of divorce, personal inquiry about what happened MacLaine makes his suffering natural to feel cheated by that person that relied more and with whom he had a daughter. The story is fascinating. One day Shirley MacLaine in thought and discovers that her husband was channeling a being of a higher evolutionary level to hers and had come to earth to help it evolve.

simply was acting as the villain as a service of love for her to wake up. Shirley's life turned upside down. Without citing examples difficult to understand and see how this, if we look at our own lives or the lives of others understand that painful experiences are considered an important sense, are part of a road without transformation turns people into semi-humans .
do not know anything about the level at which is the person next to us, maybe the other is to make his last job in a last embodiment in which learning is learning to be repudiated by others, because I learned everything I needed to learn, and learn contempt of others when we become bad guys is a profound work of humility.

is said that the earth is a planet and that every school is this a game we'll laugh when you wake up. We take very seriously the characters that we have to interpret compete, get angry, we offend or rival and judge. We do not know who the other in the same way that we do not know who we really are us. If we knew and do not identify ourselves with the outsider in the world, no character would judge the externality that we see in the other.
Someone may think they are above the simple person who has no idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a spiritual journey. But maybe the heart of that person is cleaner than the one who judges. The act of judging is an operation of the rational mind. And the rational mind can not continue to use for all, must be integrated with other ways of understanding our surroundings. That's the challenge this time for each of us.

Perhaps most difficult is learning to live with the uncertainty of not knowing, not bear to fill the vacuum of ignorance with our mental operations, speculations, imaginations, judgments or impairment of value. Nothing better to complete this approach to uncertainty to remember a phrase from the movie "What the Bleep": "It's important to live in the mystery than knowledge." *****************************************

Petechiae And Spider Veins


Tip # 1

Aligns energy from your body to a higher level of consciousness.

Daily we have about 10,000 thoughts. Of those 10,000 thoughts only 5 or 6 are new and the remaining nine thousand hundred or so are still the same we had last year, 10 years ago or 20 years ago.

Perhaps this is one reason why our life does not change as fast as we wish, and also is the main reason why some Law of Attraction will not work to create the positive.

really are thinking the same thing repeatedly as if we were a tape recorder and with that we are constantly creating the same reality from a year ago, 10 years ago or 20 years ago.

Every day we think more than 10,000 times and more than 90% of those thoughts are dedicated to recreate what we already have, ie if you currently do not have enough money, much spend time thinking about it and still creating that reality.

also spent much time reminiscing or criticizing something you do not want, bitching, watching news and talked about trivial things.

These mental activities occupy approximately 90% of our thoughts and occasionally come to think of something else. Sometimes people spend 1 or 2 minutes to think of something that I wish to have or see something, but those 2 or 3 minutes is insufficient because only occupy a minimum percentage of the total of 10,000 mostly thoughts that are negative or are intended to continue to have a reality that is.

energy is important to align your body to a higher level of consciousness because doing so will allow you to have more harmonious thoughts simply and change at least 5,000 of your old thoughts with others that are more positive and create your new reality.

can align your energy body with higher levels through the activation of your chakras or energy centers.

It is also advisable to meditation or relaxation exercises, it helps your emotions are more calm and in doing so the vibration in your body rises automatically, however stressful situations make the energy of your body down.

Another way to raise the vibration of your body is to make a series of questions during the day. The following questions will make you see reality differently:

Is this really going to affect me or just as much as I'm exaggerating?

Is there any way I can stop thinking about the situation and pretend it does not exist?

If I keep thinking the same thing as my life will be tomorrow?

How would you prefer to feel at the moment and I must do to feel this way?

Tip # 2 Focus on what you want

Save every day a few minutes to think about what you want to create. If you keep living your life unconsciously follow the path of today's leaders, politicians, the media and other leaders of this world that are focused principalmente en la negatividad.

Sin embargo, si decides dedicar unos minutos diariamente a pensar en tus deseos e imaginarlos haras un cambio muy importante en tu vida y poco a poco esta comenzara a mejorar convirtiendose en lo que deseas.

Todo atrae a su igual, si dedicas tiempo a pensar en lo que deseas lo atraeras.

Tip # 3

Una vez que hayas elevado tus vibraciones mantenlas lo mas altas posible durante la mayor cantidad de tiempo.

Ten a la mano un plan de accion para mantener tus vibraciones altas.

Prepara tus actividades siempre incluyendo cosas que te hagan sentir bien, peliculas, musica, programas de television y libros que te inspiren.

Rodeate de gente positive and make your favorite activities as often as possible, that will help you move forward with incredible speed.

Tip # 4 Leave to react to situations like you're helpless (victim)

In every situation you come across always do pause to think you can create something different and you are not powerless.

are really just helpless when you're disconnected from your inner being, but when you're happy and when on the high vibrations are more powerful than a million individuals.

're never a victim, every time you're creating and you can start creating your own reality out of any situation.

not allow yourself to feel powerless much time, do whatever it takes to regain your power in any situation and move from the low vibrational field as quickly as possible.

Tip # 5 Get out of the tribe

In his book Power vs. Force, Dr. David R. Hawkins says that the conditions of the population is measured in terms of vibration gauge their communities. There

subcontinent living at survival level, disease and hunger. Often in circumstances of political oppression and scarce social resources. In their experiments

Dr. Hawkins discovered through kinesthesia in those places people vibrates at the level of despair and apathy because they have resigned themselves to these conditions and does not believe that could change.

also in their own kinesthetic experiments observed that much of the population lives in the frequency of fear, most spend much of their lives to conquer the safety of one form or another.

Dr. Hawkins tells us that no significant satisfaction can start below the level of 250, which is where the self-confidence as a basis for positive living.

energy levels that calibrate below 200 are common in extremely primitive conditions, where people can barely survive.

populations characterized by gauge 200 are typified by empirical work, rudimentary market and the construction of simple devices such as canoes and houses provisional.

In the middle of the scale 200 is associated with semi-prepared work. The buildings are simple but useful to live and start elementary education.

In the top of the 200 we see white-collar workers, vendors, trade and industry. At lower levels of fishing is a tribal or individual here in the 200 mid-scale fishing is an industry.

Al level of 300 are technicians, talented artists, managers of routine and more advanced business structure. Secondary education becomes standard and there is interest in sports, public entertainment, the TV is a major pastime at this level. Despite

levels that we have described show great variation between them is amazing what the Doctor says, because for 20 years of experiments he realized that people never leave the national level that is, vibrates throughout its Life in the range of their community.

Although not usually move from one field to another higher energy for a lifetime, the opportunity if it exists. And that opportunity lies 100% on the individual and their motivation to succeed and change their lives.

Dr. Hawkins says that failure, suffering and disease are the result of the influence of low attraction patterns. And that success, happiness and health come from patterns of attraction (or energy) powerful (which calibrated above 250).

I think it's important to get out of the tribal mind and move to a new vibrational field, especially if most of the people around you are always focused on what you do not want, if you are talking all the time living in negative or total apathy.

If you want a happy life full of success must begin to think differently than it does most of the people and hang out with people whose vibrational field is higher than yours.

live in a world that is not, but it is becoming and nothing that has life is static, you do not live in a universe that was made but it is doing at every moment.

All the time you are moving to a new state of being, whether you're moving toward the realization of your potential or you're away from this, the decision is yours.

But know that never stop moving, if you seek to become something more than you are either poorer or richer, happier or more unhappy but you are never static and are creating with every decision he SERAS in the future. ***************************************

Friday, November 21, 2008

How To Put On A Underwear

Diamond Water. THE 7 DIMENSIONS

The Diamond Water, "made" by the French researcher Joel Naturopath Ducatillon (in 3 rd, 4 th, 5, 6 th and 7 th dimension) by an encoder device he invented, is a smart water that captures the intention expressed by humans and is activated to co-create with it, transforming the encoded memory of our body. Diamond Water is the Water of the New Jerusalem which the Bible mean. According to Joel Ducatillon

, Diamond Water is not a panacea nor a miraculous discovery: a water that is alive and is more sensitive than others. She was created to increase our discermiento in relation to the planned route in our current incarnation. It was created so that we can be better guided in regard to decisions related to relationships, the profession, home, or decisions related to our internal and external situation, depending on when and where we are in our way of life and as we have succeeded or not.

But one thing is certain: the effect of Diamond Water will not make us live things we could not bear. On the contrary, mitigate our tests, facilitate the initiation and transit so that we can overcome them more quickly and with less suffering.

is spring water which has been accelerating its vibrational rate, which enables it to respond to the intentions of the user, allowing access to a life and intelligence higher.

Joel The technology used to transform this spring water uses the science of numbers and music, which is living geometry based on sound. The end result is an encoding device that allows recording of multi-dimensional codes, which transform the spring water into a receiving medium which then captures higher energies.
distributed free.

For more information you can download the book at the following link: = 9NJ5H387

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wooden Side Rails For Trucks

What are the dimensions? What does the size change?

All ancient calendars and prophecies of our ancestors speak of a new Golden Age was a time where human potential will be expanded psychic abilities allowing us to handle a greater awareness that we currently have and an environment where harmony and love will predominant.

This awakening is already happening and is manifested in our daily lives. Not only us but we are waking up all over the world is evolving to higher vibrational octave. Like any change process is often perceived as , As he journeyed, as traumatic, and then realize at the time, the significant growth that has brought us.

The awakening is associated with the new consciousness also called Christ consciousness or Buddha, it has to do with the collective recognition of our essence, with the knowledge that we are all one. Dimensional awakening is here to stay.

But what are the dimensions? What does the size change?

The dimensions are different states of existence that we experience along the way to the One Being. Ie are the evolutionary steps that Being decided to try to return to the divine source. All dimensional levels are in the here and now, the difference is the length of the wave or frequency. The dimensions are frequencies within which we vibrate, we could also say levels of consciousness are something like radio bands with their frequencies and stations. There are seven perceptual dimensions that correspond to the eighth dimensional where the Earth now. Also there are other dimensions that correspond to other vibrational octaves that are currently beyond our human comprehension. Change

dimension means to expand our consciousness, is famous character's history who lived in a world whose role was completely two-dimensional or flat so your brain had learned that this was their reality consists of dots and lines on a huge white plane. It was inconceivable to think of objects or three-dimensional volume. So it is impossible for us from our beliefs, thinking about the realities that are not well-known as our brain is trained to perceive a certain way. Then change of dimension is to expand our way of perceiving reality, of seeing things. We are now moving into a more energetic realities, which looks more to the world of dreams and imagination.

Although I think the ratings are limiting and linear, which always exceeds reality, I'm going to be based on a classification to explain the different dimensions, with the caveat that these are always interconnected and form part of a dynamic exchange radial and vibration.

The first dimension is in charge of turning energy into matter, is the basic frequency of the atoms and molecules, so the dimension of the microcosm, is the vibrational frequency of activation of DNA. You could say that manages a basic level of consciousness referred to the line of duty, or a timely consciousness, knows how to go from one point to another. Minerals and water vibrating at this frequency, minerals are the crystalline appearance of it, liquid water looks the same. It is found in the fluids and electrical currents the human body, activates the genetic code and boosts cell energy system. If taken as a metaphor for human beings to describe the dimensions, we could say that the first dimension prefetal experience on stage, where we have a set of potentials with a program of cell division and maintenance functions. All dimensions operate at all scales and this octaba are the same throughout the universe.

The second dimension is the frequency where there are most animals and plants. It also promotes physical and biological identity. Is the vibration that keeps the junction between the species, which has been called the collective unconscious of the species ie is the way animals recognize one species to meet their reproductive functions. It has no individual differentiation or self-recognition. At this level of consciousness there is no space-time reference. Consciousness is linear or two-dimensional. A geometric level corresponds to the flat shapes like circle, square etc. It is responsible for the biological diversity and all the energies that are responsible for favorable as the elemental forces of nature. We can draw flocks of birds that act corrdinandamente as a whole, or schools of sardines, two have been studied and has been shown to act as a conscious body where each member manteiene a mathematical distance between them and break the formation only when attacked by the Continuing the metaphor of human beings, the second dimension could be compared to the fetal stage, float being one with the environment, not ego-state, without reference temporal / space.

The Third Dimension is where human beings exist, it is also physical and the kind of awareness of this vibration is volumetric or three-level geometric shapes are perceived as the cube and the sphere and the Platonic solids. There is a linear perception of time and space, with the ability to remember the past, project the future being in the present. It is based on the polarity and the illusion of separation, in the development of individual identity and the loss of the sense group. This is the frequency where we become aware of ourselves, we develop the ego and believe we are separate. It is in this dimension where we see ourselves more completely separated than anywhere else, so this is where the One Being is presented with more challenges of integration and growth. In the human being starts from the second year of life when the child begins to differentiate the environment as an individual, to express their wishes, to serve his ego. It is a very important learning stage, where fragmentation begins. Three-dimensional experience a process of division of Being that produces what we call personality. It is part of the development work of collecting and gathering all the parties.

The fourth dimension is the frequency to return to the awareness of group integration without loss of individuality. This area has often been called archetypal or collective unconscious is the place where the good feelings, emotions and dreams. In this dimension we perceive time in cyclical waves or spiral. Exists in a quantum field which presents simultaneously all the alternatives and possibilities. Is the frequency of synchronicity, empathy and telepathy. It is the last dimension where experience with the physical body as a vehicle for learning. At this frequency perceive the multidimensionality and we realize our responsibility to make conscious that each of our actions affect the whole.

At present we are awakening to the consciousness of the fourth dimension and we feel superimposed on the third, so on a human level we are experiencing the need to share with groups, review our relationships, find healing and growth therapies. It is also the cause of the collapse of physical, economic and political long established, that no longer correspond with this new vibration. And every time we will see more changes at all levels of that which does not correspond with the new energy.

The dimensional change is at all scales, we are experiencing not only humans but also Mother Earth and a larger scale throughout the galaxy. The dimensional change does not happen overnight but gradual layers of consciousness. Once we are alert in the fourth dimension is gently opened the door for fifth and sixth. Accept the fourth dimensional consciousness is what is called the quantum leap and is the most difficult step of dimensional change as this implies a profound change in beliefs. The fourth dimension is the portal to Christ Consciousness. Christ consciousness is the collective consciousness that recognizes itself as a unit.

The fifth dimension is frequency of the wisdom and energy is totally pure. Is where the Ascended Masters and spirit guides. In fifth experience the merge with the soul group we belong to vibrationally and Supreme Being or Multidimensional. Is the dimension where we remember who we are and awaken our inner wisdom. It is in this dimension where consciousness is experienced as a single group to be larger. Energy is a frequency, not physical. Time is a continuum, there is only the eternal now. Many of the beings in this dimension to contact their wisdom, chosen to be the spiritual leaders who are in the physical dimension, as part of their service in the process of evolution. Many of the channeled beings today who are presented as a group consciousness are in fifth dimension, also when we make contact with our Higher Self we are living an experience of a fifth. As a dimension of holographically perceive light and forms a high-intensity lighting, often geometric.

The difference between the fifth and sixth and between six and seven is not as obvious as the fourth and third from fifth dimensions are overlapping or fused and their boundaries are blurred, this is because we are talking about energy and not matter. The sixth dimension

the frequency is called Christ or Buddha, because that is where you get the total state of remembrance, where you take responsibility for everything and is everything. Is a state of compassionate awareness, the famous lighting. It's homecoming, the One Being. Sixth in the evolution process of the Self and the All are experienced as one, is the place of boundless consciousness and unified. This often manifests itself as simultaneously individual and collective. The sixth dimension is the creator of the morphogenic matrices that occur in other dimensions such as third, second and first. These matrices are the geometric and the networks that we call sacred geometry, geometric patterns are Light creators of life and responsible for its materialization.

The seventh dimension is the frequency of full integration, there are not parts scattered consciousness is experienced multi-dimensionally, ie it is known that once the parts were dismembered in the past with a new perspective of integration. There are beings who are and are pure love. Energy is a dimension where there is no way. Is the dimension of the angelic realm and consciousness of pure light.

Part Two More on the Fourth Dimension

Almost all the information we receive on the subject of the dimensions is origin in materials received by channels aliens. Some of these materials agree on the terms and not others.

We would however point out on any terms as the definition of dimension. So far we have called dimension to a kind of vibration or frequency which in turn defines a physical density. I want to introduce the idea that density can be many dimensions. Some authors call then densities than previously defined as dimensions. Another way of referring to them is the acronym 3D or 4D.

Step 4D
So the belief system that holds the 3D is based on the concept of separation linear time, fragmentation of consciousness and the illusory reality, these beliefs have been necessary so far for human evolution. But as we are in transition to 4D, we are undergoing a process of integration takes the form cyclical. When we refer to happen is simply the fact that other density make conscious with the new system to perceive and see things, they do not actually have to go anywhere because everything is in the present, in the here and now.

Awakening 4D is therefore not something that happens immediately, is a gradual process that overlaps. There will be times in which we function with the combination of these two systems and others where one or the other prevails.

frequency change and planetary ascension process

Currently though the Earth has changed frequently, our conscience is not yet synchronized with the new energy .. This is a delicate process, when the frequency of the earth and human consciousness are not in sync there is a temporary friction, which somehow explains the rapid changes we are experiencing globally. However, it is only a matter of time, and that change is genetically programmed memory cell connected to consciousness, is waiting.

This transformation we're talking about has also been called the ascension process. Ascension is basically a shift from one reality to another .. There are at least three possible scenarios described to experience ascension.

One scenario is the one that said that during ascent the physical body will become more luminous and ethereal to dissolve in the new reality, a sort of birth in reverse., That to reach this new dimension will be greeted by our Parents of fourth to be our guides and guardians until the age of two Earth years.

is another who speaks of the resurrection experience, something like the Master Jesus lived, that is all we to die and rise with a less dense physical body.

Finally there is the claim that we will be evacuated by older siblings (aliens) who wait for the skies in their huge mother ships to take us to the new dimension, because life on Earth is going to be impossible.

They are all plausible, can no one have the same experience, that everyone choose their own unique way of transmutation and promotion according to their beliefs and level of consciousness. What is certain is that this is a true metamorphosis.

Physical changes

Much has been made of the physical symptoms that accompany this transformation and the most varied changes that defy medical diagnosis. The truth is that everyone chooses according to his beliefs that he has to live. The more resistance oppose and hide our shadow, and proportion will be our difficulty in adapting to new vibrational frequencies.

A lot of light energy entering our atmosphere, solar flares intense, profound changes in the solar axis affect our magnetosphere, are the causes of these changes in our physical body tend to produce the transmutation needed to adapt to those new energy. Some of the most common symptoms that we indicate that we are changing our physical and genetic structure are:

1. Headaches
2. Wandering pains in the joints
3. Changes in the endocrine and nervous system
4. Changes in eating habits
5. Feelings of energy flow in the body
6. Palpitations and tachycardia.
7. Amplification of the senses
memory loss 9. Sense of disorientation
10. Changes in the perception of time outside the body

vivid dreams could list many more, is one of the most interesting topics and is teaching us to change our beliefs about disease and take back our power over the physical body, often delivered to the other by fear and ignorance. This group of symptoms
finally remind us that we are living a transmutation to exist in a physical dimension but less dense

signals that we are in 4D

Today we find ourselves with one foot in the third and one in four. But what are the signs that tell us we are getting closer to that transformation?

One of the signs is to realize the synchronicity. In reality, all happens in the present and everything is synchronous, but there are certain events more salient than are like a ringing alarm clock, which allow us to make connections between things. For example, when we think of someone and calls us or comes to visit unexpectedly. Or want to eat certain food and a friend comes and invites us to eat exactly what we were wanting. Previously talked

vivid dreams and experiences outside the body, these are also signs, together with the experiences of bi-location, ie the consciousness of being in two places simultaneously or omnilocación when we feel so expanded we perceive that we are in many parts at a time.

Change in perception of time is to feel a smooth different, what we call time fluid or circular, not linear. Sorry we could describe it as when consecutive two events separated in time. Example: We are in a place where we had been last year and we feel that there has been almost time between one hand and the other .. We think of a past event and have memories as vivid as if it were yesterday.

Another sign is that we feel the need to meet with people close to our feelings, seek heal emotionally, do therapy or be interested in books on spiritual issues, which we had never arisen before, this is part of the binding energy own Christ consciousness.

The international search and examination of our reason for being, knowing what our purpose is also a sign that we are living the change.
There are many other signs that announce the change to 4D, but you could say that the most important sign of change is our perception of reality with the realization that there is no difference between inside and outside. ***************************************