Wednesday, March 11, 2009

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LA VISUALIZACIÓN YOGA: La visualización se basa en el poder de las imágenes, es decir, toda imagen mental tiene un poder de influencia sobre la mente, de aquí que, los antiguos, conociendo el poder de las imágenes, las pintaban en sus templos para inducir y crear estados mentales positivos, raise the vibration and facilitate self-inquiry, self-awareness, the inner journey.

CONCENTRATION: Concentration is the emotion, shaking his willpower and focus on a single point. Concentrating, being made to achieve focus our mind, only in what we want. All mental and emotional energy is focused on one idea and it, put into practice, get done with relative ease. The senses do not work when there is deep concentration, there is awareness of the body or around us. The "WARNING" is the basis of concentration. The concentration is simply attention. Concentration is fixing the mind on one thing. This is easier if we show interest in the subject of concentration. There can be no real concentration without displaying a remarkable degree of interest and attention by the practitioner.
of the attention goes to the contemplation of it, and concentration and, finally, to meditation. The first is the base of the others. It is important to develop the habit of attention in everyday situations. This is to focus our minds on whatever is in front of us, learning to look at things carefully. This will lead us to discover many things that previously we had gone unnoticed. To perceive is to attend. Care is achieved by a clear understanding of the objects. An attentive person has very good memory. Who is not observant, it is not attentive care interest develops. When you do any work, dive into it. Forget about yourself, concentrate on the job. Mute other thoughts, not thinking about anything else. The mind can only attend to one thing at a time. A single drop of water can pierce the hardest rock, when there is persistence and falls on it continuously and at the same point. This helps to understand the great power of concentration.

MEDITATION AND YOGA: The practice of meditation provides a host of benefits. Meditation is a true source of rest. It is a break lasting spiritual and full of joy, which is to be experienced to be understood. Once it achieves this state of deep meditation, the sleep time can be reduced to three or four hours. During meditation there is generally a tremendous acceleration of energy to the cells. To penetrate all cells, the vibrations can prevent and cure diseases. Meditation is also a powerful mental and nerve tonic. The gentle waves that produce, exert a favorable effect on the mind and nerves, leading to a prolonged positive state. In meditation the inner world begins to be ordered from the mind and produces health physical, mental acuity and tranquility. Peace of mind, silence, self, friendly and purity of heart. These are the attributes of a mind in harmony. We can define meditation, how to get to stop all the tide of thought that usually exist in the mind and focus and maintain a constant flow in one thing, deepening it, forming part of the object of meditation. Meditation is a process of harmonization and tuning. Turns to a magnetic and attractive, making him who evokes love and dedication. Meditation opens the gates of wisdom, is the only way to achieve Immortality and Bliss.


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COMPLETE YOGA BREATHING: Learning to breathe is the most important thing we can do in our lives. If blood is poorly oxygenated, that is, if not deeply, and so we fill our lungs full, the little air inspired not be enough to regenerate and nourish our cells. Similarly, if the breath is poor and not completely emptied our lungs, waste and toxins secreted by the cells remain in our body, blood and impoverishing the daily undermining our health. Do not forget that an oxygen-poor blood, brings premature aging and lack of vitality besides causing multiple diseases. The Science of Yoga Pranayama teaches Science, to gain power and energy. Pranayama The first lesson is learning to control the movement of the lungs, diaphragm and respiratory muscles. Pranayama begins with the regulation of breathing and continues to control the life currents or internal forces. YOGA AND RELAXATION

: There are many diseases that man creates his own thought. The relaxation process is actually an exercise in positive mental suggestions, which are induced thoughts of health. The relaxation is to loosen the maximum whole body. But this is only the point starting, indispensable for achieving altered states of consciousness of the various stages of Raja Yoga or Mental Yoga. Relaxation should be aware at all times, as this energy is generated in the brain. Without relaxation there is no real yoga, no peace, nor joy, nor even health. Relaxation is the opposite of tension and contraction. It is loose and relax naturally. Energy is recharged and eliminate waste and toxins that the body can be disposed through this medium. Relaxation is a natural process carried out by all living things.

THE MANTRA: Everything in the universe is vibration. To the Yogis, the sound, like "Cosmic Vibration" is what the Universe originate and what drives their evolution. According to Yoga philosophy, "OM" is the original mantra, but many others exist. All mantras are intended, in principle, order and quiet the mind. As the mantra, can produce certain states of mind: calm, stillness, inwardness, concentration, activation of mental and psychic powers, joy, joy, etc.. A mantra is a mystical energy in a sound structure. Each mantra is constructed from a combination of sounds of the fifty letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. The mantra is repeated, using its vibration, to awaken one's energies of the person and raise the vibration of the mind. You must repeat the mantra with a defined rhythm and intonation, to generate a specific mode of thought, which manifests as energy. *************************

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physical exercises, gymnastics, aerobics, pilates, etc. Have only effect on the muscles and cause fatigue and overload. In contrast, the Asanas or yoga postures help to the preservation of internal organs and the proper irrigation of all parts of the body. And ensure the flexibility of bones and tissues. Its therapeutic value is proven and recognized even by traditional medicine, as reflected in the medical encyclopedia published by the WHO (World Health Organization). In the practice of yoga, there is no competition. Everyone works in their personal capacity, without exceeding its own limits and with no goal other than to get well and inner peace. In many sports and martial arts belts and categories are offered, it prepares the individual to compete with others and where there is competition, there will be violence, disputes and injuries. Yoga is anti-violence. The yoga asanas or exercises are, at a time, insurmountable physical exercise and a wonderful healing therapy, as they prevent multiple diseases. Back pain, weight problems, circulatory and nervous disorders (major enemies of man and woman present) are prevented, eliminated, or at worst, considerably diminished.

asana: dynamic and static in the body to develop strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination, rhythm, balance and tone.

Pranayama: Techniques conscious regulation of respiration, for heating, cooling, balance and vital energy properly distribute the body through inhalation, exhalation and retention of breath.

Mudra: Gesture of recanalization techniques and invigoration of vital energy into specific body points.

Bandhan: Techniques of contraction in some body parts to block, concentrate or hold power in parts of the body. *************************

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Hatha Yoga is ideal for a healthy body, elastic, smooth and resistant. Improve concentration, attention and memory. The usual practice of Hatha Yoga can gain more strength of character, discipline and will, qualities essential in this society to combat psychological disorders and broaden awareness. It is the yoga of physical strength and vitality, ideal for a flexible and healthy body is a system that requires optimum physical conditions. Hatha should be practiced by people who are physically healthy, but adapting it can be used to treat minor illnesses and correct some postural defects. In Hatha Yoga, Asana, means posture. The purpose of asana is to enable the Yogi to be overcome or suspend your body movements, which are the cause of the restlessness of soul that is identified with matter. The soul is a portion of Infinite peaceful, and the body is part of the restless nature. But the soul is identified with the restless body, and forget the nature of infinite serenity.

Hatha Yoga Asanas: Hatha Yoga is a system of asanas, posture or exercise, aiming to the fitness of the body for meditation. Hatha practice is to send the prodigal soul from the region of concern to his home in the realm of infinite serenity to achieve that we need to maintain correct posture in Hatha asana is any position in which the body is stationary free from anxiety and with the spine erect. When through the methodical practice of Hatha Yoga the spine remains erect without effort, then it flows freely through the vital energy and consciousness: Hatha facilitates raising the Kundalini energy from the lower chakras of the senses to the higher brain centers of spiritual realization. HATHA YOGA

The main basis of this system known as Hatha Yoga is clearly understood if we compare the life with an inverted V. The base of the left side of this inverted vee represents the birth. From there, the upward symbolizes the growth and development of all living (anabolic process) and brings him to the summit of life, youth, the apex of the vee. There is stable for a longer or less more or less, depending on the individual's lifestyle. After some time and Life Act (Act cycles) begins the process of degeneration, decline in the right line of the Vee to the base, through aging and nearing the end of every birth, death. HATHA YOGA POSITIONS
: The Hatha Yoga ensures those who practice it regularly in your body slow down the degenerative processes (catabolic processes) promoting and maintaining growth (anabolic process), increasing youth, extending and improving life. Who practices Hatha Yoga diligently, will become a perfect yogi, young or old, very old, sick or weak. Currently, it is considered that youth ranging from 18 to 30 years (depending on the mode of life). Anyone who knowingly persists in practicing Hatha, expand and maintain its youth, as it confers the power to prevent and eradicate disease, both physically and mentally. This can be guaranteed absolutely and achieved because the basic principles of Hatha Yoga regenerate the cellular system, activate and increase vital energy, regulate the action of the heart, lungs and blood circulation. Hatha Yoga is synonymous with perfect health, a consequence of living in harmony with Natural Law. ********************************