Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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The emotional body.
What is its function and purpose? It

which gives us a sentimental nature. This nature provides the ability to experience all the emotional levels as happiness and sadness, love and hatred, compassion and malevolence, ecstasy and depression, pleasure and pain, excitement and indifference.

The extent to which this and other features peaks and depths achieved will determine the intensity with which they live the experience and strength of the impression which is recorded in the memory of the soul.
As we experience life and is as truly learn to distinguish right from wrong, good from evil. For example, just a good burned to teach us not to put your hand in the fire. Once we've burned, the pain of that memory and experience enough to refrain from repeating. Gradually, as we begin to mature, we intuitively a way of life and express ourselves that keeps us constantly in the depths of emotional pain, and lead us to the summit of happiness. This is clearly the path to higher consciousness.

or emotional capacity to feel is experienced at all levels of expression. At the physical level, you may experience as a purely physical manifestation heat or cold, pain of physical injury, touch etc ... You may feel mentally
receiving joy, happiness, excitement, anger etc ...
You may feel physically and mentally at a time, enjoying a party with good friends where they tasted delicious dishes, maintaining a sexual relationship with a loved one, fighting the enemy

etc ... No one would want to live without the emotional body. There would be meaningless without the ability to feel. No achievement would bring some satisfaction, since satisfaction is in itself an emotional quality. When viewed individually, it is increasingly obvious that every aspect of our Being total is indispensable for the function and purpose of our existence. We will now

Christic body (etheric).
Christic body has been described in various ways through the ages by writers lit, as the body of light, ascended body, which is above the soul, the Supreme Being, the I Am, the resurrected body, the body electric superconscious body, the Son (Sun) of God, the etheric body and several other terms.

body terms of light and electric body approach to the description of this body in scientific language. The body of I AM and Christ-like body may be closer to his description in spiritual terms.
From a scientific perspective, the terms electrical and light body best describe the effect on the atomic structure of this body by the speed of electron motion inside atoms. This rate equals or exceeds the speed of light. The body itself, whenever it manifests itself, radiates a bright white light.

So the simple truth is that all people have the potential to become Christs. However, the Christ-state is not reached through the efforts of another. Reach it through your own efforts or not reach it at all. The doctrine of indirect redemption (the false idea that Jesus died to wash away the sins of others and that's why all you have to do to save is to accept Him as your Lord) may be comforting to its proponents, but will never lead to progress in self-control!.
indirect redemption is contrary to the universal law of cause and effect.

is vital for spiritual progress, that people begin to understand they have a Christ-Being. The Christ Self is constantly trying to guide and influence the mortal consciousness to follow the path that leads to super-consciousness. Our Christ Self can be compared to the person making the puppets move. The physical being mortal can compare with the puppet. The puppet, on the other hand, is not at all aware of the lives of those who are powering.

As a person evolves in life in the physical and astral planes, most of the time is unaware of who he is and it is. The puppet can compare with a work of buffoons. In fact, the puppet does not know what comes next. Is participating in a representation but is completely unaware of the plot. Similarly, the human being participates in a cosmic representation, and most of the time, unaware of the plot, the players or the consequences of poor performance!

always Christ-Being is trying to communicate with his being mortal, but in general the lines of communication are entangled in their subconscious distorted. Could be compared when a puppet get tangled puppet strings and can no longer respond to the guidance of those who triggered.

The stubborn resistance that humans have over the centuries to see the truth, proves the difficulty of reprogramming the subconscious mind. Human beings are not easily change their habits.
The superconscious mind is the Christic be operational. In the expression levels Christic, the Christ Self, through the power of your mind, you can more easily join the Universal Mind at the physical or astral.

Similarly, it has greater knowledge and understanding as Christ, and is in a better position to guide, direct and help humans.
We want you to know that certainly is possible to achieve the Christic state while it is embodied in the physical or astral vibrations.
Whoever reaches this state, it will not be subject to the laws governing these levels, but will be a transcendental law of Christ-vibrations.

When someone reaches the full vibration of Christ, physical death has no power over him. There will be literally conquered physical vibrations and can travel freely through the physical vibrations, and Christ-Astral. This expertise gives you the power to alter its vibration at will from the physical to the astral, the astral to the Christic.



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