Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Small Clear Blister In My Mouth

What are the nadis?

The nadis are the subtle channels that deliver vital energy (prana) throughout the body. There are 72,000 nadis
spread throughout the body.
The 3 main nadis are
Ida, Pingala and SUSHUMNA.

SUSHUMNA is the main channel center, is located in the astral body in the cerebro-spinal axis from the ground up to the crown.
Ida and Pingala are respectively the left and right SUSHUMNA.

ADI represents the female force, moon, cold and passive.
channel is the physical and emotional energy, and is connected to the system parasympathetic nervous with the right brain and so with intuition and the creative.
If energy flows mainly through IDA, we are more aware of our physical body, our responses are guided primarily by feelings and because of this, our emotions are stronger. PINGALE

however, is the masculine force, solar, warm and active which is related to the sympathetic nervous system and the left hemisphere.
When power flows through Pingala, our thinking is oriented more towards the logical-mathematical aspects and to the rational mind.

as is clearly seen both together represent nadis todas las posibilidades de actividad física y mental, y porque es necesario su equilibrio para que la persona se encuentre en armonía.

IDA y PINGALA son los nadis por los que circula habitualmente la energía, produciendo el estado de conciencia dual.
Los 3 nadis convergen en 6 puntos, cada uno de los cuales forma un Chakra.
Texto de Bb. Elina


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