Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Prices At Amf Bowling

LA VISUALIZACIÓN YOGA: La visualización se basa en el poder de las imágenes, es decir, toda imagen mental tiene un poder de influencia sobre la mente, de aquí que, los antiguos, conociendo el poder de las imágenes, las pintaban en sus templos para inducir y crear estados mentales positivos, raise the vibration and facilitate self-inquiry, self-awareness, the inner journey.

CONCENTRATION: Concentration is the emotion, shaking his willpower and focus on a single point. Concentrating, being made to achieve focus our mind, only in what we want. All mental and emotional energy is focused on one idea and it, put into practice, get done with relative ease. The senses do not work when there is deep concentration, there is awareness of the body or around us. The "WARNING" is the basis of concentration. The concentration is simply attention. Concentration is fixing the mind on one thing. This is easier if we show interest in the subject of concentration. There can be no real concentration without displaying a remarkable degree of interest and attention by the practitioner.
of the attention goes to the contemplation of it, and concentration and, finally, to meditation. The first is the base of the others. It is important to develop the habit of attention in everyday situations. This is to focus our minds on whatever is in front of us, learning to look at things carefully. This will lead us to discover many things that previously we had gone unnoticed. To perceive is to attend. Care is achieved by a clear understanding of the objects. An attentive person has very good memory. Who is not observant, it is not attentive care interest develops. When you do any work, dive into it. Forget about yourself, concentrate on the job. Mute other thoughts, not thinking about anything else. The mind can only attend to one thing at a time. A single drop of water can pierce the hardest rock, when there is persistence and falls on it continuously and at the same point. This helps to understand the great power of concentration.

MEDITATION AND YOGA: The practice of meditation provides a host of benefits. Meditation is a true source of rest. It is a break lasting spiritual and full of joy, which is to be experienced to be understood. Once it achieves this state of deep meditation, the sleep time can be reduced to three or four hours. During meditation there is generally a tremendous acceleration of energy to the cells. To penetrate all cells, the vibrations can prevent and cure diseases. Meditation is also a powerful mental and nerve tonic. The gentle waves that produce, exert a favorable effect on the mind and nerves, leading to a prolonged positive state. In meditation the inner world begins to be ordered from the mind and produces health physical, mental acuity and tranquility. Peace of mind, silence, self, friendly and purity of heart. These are the attributes of a mind in harmony. We can define meditation, how to get to stop all the tide of thought that usually exist in the mind and focus and maintain a constant flow in one thing, deepening it, forming part of the object of meditation. Meditation is a process of harmonization and tuning. Turns to a magnetic and attractive, making him who evokes love and dedication. Meditation opens the gates of wisdom, is the only way to achieve Immortality and Bliss.



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