Monday, March 28, 2011

Csr Bluetooth Windows 7 Driver

Kai: Chronicle of a disastrous end

And finally, are the "threats" and Dragon Ball Kai has ended its broadcast with more pain than glory, in episode 97, including a hurry and very hasty (it was noted that even issued a chapter.)

When he began broadcasting in April 2009, little did we know all the mess that was going to shake this series in its last months of issuance, but is that DBKai them has shot itself in the foot to almost completely TOEI and controversy has surrounded this series for most of its issuance.

For starters, the most radical fans did not approve it to be a rather simple remastering of a product with new animation, this fact was already in itself, DBKai ceases to be attractive to a lot of fans of Dragon Ball, second, recording a new BGM, removing the fantastic mythical soundtrack of Dragon Ball Z, further fueled the controversy in this regard. The series began with a bad foot, even before starting their broadcast.

Once started putting on the air, did not fail to cause problems such as censorship evident in the early chapters, in addition, TOEI words that would be much more faithful to the manga avoiding any filling, finished wayside very soon, as was presented DBKai first time as a summary of Dragon Ball Z, with fillings including absurd. To make matters worse, the scenes "new" created for the occasion had a very low technical quality, with color and animation when it might touch the ridiculous (however, the original parts of DBZ excelled despite the years and no also have a brilliant technical quality).

But hey, if things had stayed there, there would have been bad.

The great controversy began to arrive a few months ago when it was confirmed that DBKai be 98 episodes, and no one came out the accounts for coupling the Majin Buu saga. He started the rumor mill about que DBKai acabaría tras la saga de Cell, pero muchos no podíamos dar crédito a eso. No podía faltar la última saga de Dragon Ball. Finalmente nuestros temores se hicieron realidad cuando anunciaron que la adaptación animada de Toriko, la nueva serie basada en un manga publicado en la Shonen Jump, sería la encargada de sustituir a DBKai los domingos en el espacio "Dream 9".

Por si eso fuera poco, después llegó el problema con la banda sonora. Kenji Yamamoto fue acusado de plagio y la TOEI se encargó de suprimir los temas de DBKai, por los de Dragon Ball Z (de Shunsuke Kikuchi), a solo 3 episodios del final. Toda la música entonces, empezó a ser suprimida por DBZ BGM as quickly as possible (also in the overseas versions) and the output of the OST 4, scheduled for March, was canceled (the rest of the cds will also be discontinued).

Finally, the disaster happened in Japan a few weeks ago, had to cancel the issuance of Chapter 96, delaying it until a week later. Doubts assailed many "would delay the release of Toriko?" Because no. They decided to shelve the end of a series, but has always been in the top 10 most watched anime of the week, has not generated the expected benefits. So the Chapter 97 became in the past, with a chapter that is traced note and trying to get the majority of footage to shoehorn so it is not very bad (as if anyone would have any doubt, Chapter 97 is a total nonsense). But now the rumor mill suggests that the "missing" chapter 98 will be seen in the edition DVD and Blu Ray, but they are just rumors.

Anyway, DBKai has grown from a product with very good intention, which was to attract potential fans of this new generation, to be almost entirely fiasco. The series will not the story itself, but will be remembered for that issue as chaotic and full of problems controversy and complaints.

For my part, I enjoyed Dragon Ball Kai, I will not deny, but it is true that I have all these aspects into account and if licensed, and have virtually no reason for me to her, except for collecting pure and simple, as even the music will be removed in later reissues and re-broadcast on TV. In this regard, the TV version I have been following DBKai, it will become over the years in a genuine rarity, so I'll try to keep well this version, because I suppose in the chapters published in BD now, the music will also changed.

Anyway, long live Dragon Ball, and hopefully, have a next project, take it more seriously than this and leave something worth mentioning ... for good.

conclusion, and since we are talking about Dragon Ball, I will say that the website of Shonen Jump has uploaded a new picture of Akira Toriyama to support victims of earthquake and tsunami that struck the island a few weeks ago Japan .

We read! Sueisha


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