Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Varicose Veins Pregnancy Labia


physical exercises, gymnastics, aerobics, pilates, etc. Have only effect on the muscles and cause fatigue and overload. In contrast, the Asanas or yoga postures help to the preservation of internal organs and the proper irrigation of all parts of the body. And ensure the flexibility of bones and tissues. Its therapeutic value is proven and recognized even by traditional medicine, as reflected in the medical encyclopedia published by the WHO (World Health Organization). In the practice of yoga, there is no competition. Everyone works in their personal capacity, without exceeding its own limits and with no goal other than to get well and inner peace. In many sports and martial arts belts and categories are offered, it prepares the individual to compete with others and where there is competition, there will be violence, disputes and injuries. Yoga is anti-violence. The yoga asanas or exercises are, at a time, insurmountable physical exercise and a wonderful healing therapy, as they prevent multiple diseases. Back pain, weight problems, circulatory and nervous disorders (major enemies of man and woman present) are prevented, eliminated, or at worst, considerably diminished.

asana: dynamic and static in the body to develop strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination, rhythm, balance and tone.

Pranayama: Techniques conscious regulation of respiration, for heating, cooling, balance and vital energy properly distribute the body through inhalation, exhalation and retention of breath.

Mudra: Gesture of recanalization techniques and invigoration of vital energy into specific body points.

Bandhan: Techniques of contraction in some body parts to block, concentrate or hold power in parts of the body. *************************


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