Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cost Of Dog Wart Removal


WHY HAVE NOT ACCEPT A STATE OF LIFE unpleasant or undesirable. You do not have to cheat and tell you that there is nothing wrong. No. fully acknowledge that you leave it, and then you limit your attention to the present moment without putting any mental label.
That means no opinion on the now. Therefore, there is no resistance or emotional negativity. Accept the moment as it is.
After you get into action and make every effort to escape the situation.
That's what I call positive action. It is much more effective than negative action, arising out of anger, despair or frustration. To achieve the desired result, continue to practice the label refusing to surrender now. Let

a visual analogy to illustrate the point I am trying to expose. You are walking at night along a path and you're surrounded by a dense fog. But you have a very powerful flashlight that runs through and creates a narrow, clear space in front of you. The fog is your life situation, including past and future, the flashlight is your conscious presence, the clear space is now.
Non-surrender hardens your psychological form, the shell of the ego, creating a strong sense of separation. The world around you, and in particular people, can seem threatening. Unconscious compulsive need arises to destroy others through trials, and also to compete and dominate. Even nature becomes your enemy, because your perceptions and interpretations are governed by fear. Mental illness we call paranoia is only a slightly more acute in this state of consciousness, normal but dysfunctional.

not only your psychological form but also your physical, your body, it hardens and becomes rigid because of the resistance. There is tension in different parts of the body and this whole contracts. The free flow of bodily energy which is essential for health is very restricted.
Bodywork and certain types of physical therapy may help restore the flow, but unless you practice accountability in everyday life, these therapies are limited to relieving symptoms temporarily, because the cause of tension-the -resistance pattern has not been dissolved.
There's something inside you that is not affected by temporary circumstances that make your life situation, and only allows access to surrender it. It's your life, your very Being, who exists eternally in the timeless realm of the present.

unsatisfactory or even intolerable, if you start by giving up only you can break the unconscious resistance pattern that perpetuates that situation.
Surrender is perfectly compatible with the action, initiating change or achieving goals.
But, in the state of surrender, your action flowing from a completely different energy, another quality. Surrender connects you with the source-energy of Being, and you do, be imbued with, it becomes a joyful celebration of life energy that takes you deep into the now. Non-resistance
greatly enhances the quality of your consciousness and, therefore, the quality of whatever you're doing or creating. Then the results will come by themselves and reflect that quality. This we might call "action rendered"

see clearly what to do and start acting, you doing one thing at a time, you focus on one thing at a time.
Learn from nature: see how it all unfolds and how the miracle of life without insatisfacció n or unhappiness.
For this reason Jesus said, "Behold the lilies of the field grow, nor strive not get caught."

if your situation is often unrewarding or unpleasant
separates this moment and surrender to what it is. This is the flashlight that lets you see in the fog. So your state of consciousness no longer controlled by external conditions. And non-parties from a state of reaction and resistance. After observing the specifics of the situation. Ask yourself: "Is there anything I can do to change it, improve it or away from it?" If so, take appropriate action.
Do not focus on the hundred things you have to do or what you may have to do in the future, but the only thing you can do now. That does not mean you should not plan. It could very well be that what you have to do right now is planning. But be sure not to start creating "mental movies" that you constantly projecting into the future, perdiendo de ese modo el ahora. Cualquier acción que emprendas puede no dar fruto inmediatamente. Hasta que lo haga, no te resistas a lo que es.

y tampoco consigues salir de la situación, úsala para entrar más profundamente en la rendición, más profundamente en el ahora, más profundamente en el Ser.
Cuando entras en esta dimensión intemporal del presente, a menudo el cambio se presenta de maneras extrañas, sin necesidad de hacer gran cosa por tu parte. La vida se muestra servicial y cooperativa. Si había factores internos, como el miedo, la culpa o la inercia, que te impedían actuar, se disolverán a la luz de tu presencia consciente.
Do not confuse surrender with an attitude of "nothing can bother me" or "things do not matter to me." If you look closely, you'll see that this position is tinged with negativity in the form of hidden resentment, so it's not surrender, but masked resistance.
As you go giving up, turn your attention inward to check if you have left a trace of resistance. Be very alert when you do, otherwise, a pocket of resistance can still hidden in some dark corner in the form of a thought or emotion recognition.


begins by acknowledging that there is resistance.
Be present when it happens, the resistance arises. Watch how your mind creates, how to label the situation, yourself, to others. Watch the thought process involved. Feel the power of emotion. Witnessing
see that resistance is useless. By focusing all your attention on the now unconscious resistance is made conscious and that is its purpose.
can not be conscious and unhappy, conscious and negative. Negativity, unhappiness or suffering, whatever they are, indicate that there is resistance, and resistance is always unconscious.
Would you choose unhappiness? And if you have not chosen, how is that it has arisen? What is its purpose? Who keeps it alive?
Even if you are aware of your feelings of unhappiness, the truth is that you have identified with them and keep the process alive through identifi compulsive thinking. All this is unconscious. If it were conscious, that is, if you were fully present in the now, all negativity would dissolve almost instantly. I could not survive in your presence. You can only survive in your absence.

Not even the pain-body can survive for long in your presence. Keep your unhappiness alive by giving time. That's their life blood. If you remove the time by a strong sense of time This, it dies. But will you die? Are you sure you've had enough? Who would you be without your unhappiness? Until
accountability practices, the spiritual dimension is something you read, what you talk about, something about what you write books and that stimulates you, something I think, something in what you believe or not believe, according to the case. All this makes no difference.

causes it to become a reality in your life.
When you surrender, the energy emanating from and then run your life is a vibrational frequency much higher than the mental energy that rules the world.
A través de la rendición, la energía espiritual entra en este mundo. No genera sufrimiento para ti, para los demás seres humanos ni para el resto de los seres vivos del planeta.


Es cierto que sólo una persona inconsciente intentará usar o manipular a las demás, pero es igualmente cierto que sólo una persona inconsciente puede ser usada y manipulada. Si te resistes o luchas contra el comportamiento inconsciente de otros, tú mismo te vuelves inconsciente.
Pero rendirte no significa permitir que te utilice la gente inconsciente. En absoluto. Es perfectamente posible decir «no» a una persona con firmeza y claridad o salir of a situation while at the same time, an internal state of complete non-resistance.

WHEN YOU SAY "NO" to a person or situation, this refusal has not come from the reaction, but of intuition, a clear awareness of what is right for you at that time.
Make it a 'no' non-reactive, "no" high quality "no" free of any negativity that does not create more suffering.
If you can not give, act immediately: voice your complaint, do something that could change the situation, or retreat from it. Take responsibility for your life.
not pollute your beautiful, radiant inner Being nor the Earth with negativity. Do not give unhappiness in any form, a place to live within.

IF YOU CAN NOT take action, for example because you're in prison, then you have two choices: resistance or surrender. The captivity or freedom internal to external conditions. Suffering or inner peace.
The surrender will profoundly change your relationships. If you can not accept what is, that means you can never accept people as they are. The judge, critique, labels, reject or try to change.
addition, if you always do from now a means to an end future, it will become to each person you meet or with whom you interact on a means to an end. The relation-man-is then of secondary importance to you, or will not matter. The bottom line is what you make of the relationship, whether a material gain, a sense of power, physical pleasure or some kind of gratification for the ego. Let me illustrate how surrender can work in relationships.

or in any conflict situation, perhaps with your partner or someone close to you, start by looking at how you become defensive when they attack your position, or feel the force of your own aggression when you attack the other person's position.
Observe the attachment to your views and opinions. Feel the mental-emotional energy behind your need to be right and to note that the other person is wrong. That's the power of your egoic mind. Become aware of recognizing, feeling as fully as possible.
Then one day, in the midst of an argument, you suddenly realize you have a choice, and perhaps decide to leave your reaction just to see what happens. Give up.
I do not mean you stop reacting verbally saying, "Okay, you're right," with a condescending look is really saying: "I'm over this childish unconsciousness." So just get moved to another field resistance, which the egoic mind still in charge and claiming their superiority. I'm talking about releasing the entire field of mental-emotional energy that was struggling for power within you.
The ego is crafty, that's why you have to be very alert, very present, and be completely honest with yourself to see if it has waived your identifi with a mental position, thus freeing the mind.

AND THEN IF YOU FEEL VERY LIGHT, clear, in profound peace,
that's a sign that you have given really. Observe then what happens to the mindset of the other person when you stop to energize through resistance. When identifi with mental positions aside, the real communication begins.
not resist not necessarily mean doing nothing. All that means is that the 'action' will not be reactivated. Remember the profound wisdom behind the Eastern practice of martial arts: do not resist the opponent's strength. Yield to overcome.
"do nothing" when you're in a state of intense presence is a powerful transformer that heals people and situations.
is radically different from inactivity in the ordinary state of consciousness, or rather unconsciousness, which stems from fear, inertia or indecision. The real "do nothing" means no internal resistance and intense alertness. On the other hand, if action is needed, and not react from your conditioned mind, but will respond to the situation from your conscious presence. In that state, your mind is free from concepts, including the concept of non-violence. So ... who can predict what will you do?

The ego believes that strength lies in resist, when resistance actually separates you from being, the only state in real power. Resistance is weakness and fear masquerading force. The ego believes that the weakness is your Being in its purity, innocence and power. What I think strength is weakness. Therefore, the ego exists and is maintained by continued resistance, and represents false papers to conceal your "weakness", which actually is your power.
Until there is accountability, much of human interaction is limited to carrying unconscious roles. When you surrender, you no longer need the masks of the ego and its defenses. You become very simple, very real. "That's dangerous," says the ego. "I feel hurt. You are very vulnerable. "
What the ego does not know, of course, is that only by abandoning the resistance, making it" vulnerable " you can discover your true and essential invulnerability.

Practicing the Power of Now
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