Saturday, November 22, 2008

Homemade Fountain Ideas

When we judge other person or what is, when we have beliefs about their behavior or make value judgments about other people, it is likely that we are misguided. Do not know what is happening to that person, what your deep motivations. If we barely know ourselves, we can capture some of the others, however, the vast majority of judgments we make are of negative criticism, then this process becomes a game of amusement to see many other things I avoid putting his attention to me.

I'll mention something important I want you to always remember: "The person who accepts and loves itself, loses interest in judging others"
A trial value is reassuring because it makes us believe there is an knowledge we have with which "we look to another person or situation. "And so we create a momentary sense of peace that keeps us from reaching a true knowledge. It seems that people do not tolerate not knowing, against the gap of knowledge, unless we get information we fill with our imagination. do you remember children's play "broken telephone" where a message is passed from one to another until it reaches the last person the message of the originator but with the addition and subtraction through each child's personal?, as very similar happens with adults, lack of knowledge of the subject is complemented by beliefs, assumptions, imagination, etc ... Hence the criticism is so destructive.

usually occurs People who are in the process of personal development and even spiritual, conscious as compared with others who are also directed towards these goals of transcendence, and in doing so appears all that is trying to overcome: competition, rampant obsession to obtain certain results linked to the concept of success, attachments and identifications with objects or material possessions, fixed roles in behavior, false ideas of self, etc.
The competition arises from a comparison with another person and leads to rivalry and competition leads inexorably to a state of war, a war that was first forged in the interior and would inevitably be realized in the world in some way: Discussion verbal, physical confrontation, social conspiracy and taken to a deeper level involving the fight with powerful weapons. There is a basic law in the universe that holds that the process once started deepens, twisting vibrational frequency that is great work, the movement has its own principle of inertia, commonly called a trend. Observe the trend allows us to anticipate the final outcome of that process.

In this sense to have a thought of hostility towards another person derive inexorably in the act of harming that person in some way. Gandhi said: "Competition is violence."
Any internal violence will manifest in some way my world, like it or not. So quiet my mind, if I have not decided on a deep level, that will lead to a break out of emotions that will hatch in any way in the material world. We know that thoughts are energies that are very strong. Before, when we knew little about quantum physics, if a house is spoiled several appliances at once spoke of bad luck or spirits, we now know that the matter depends on the observer, which is not separated from the observer absolute, nor is the space or time, this is the famous law of relativity, the relative is that the relationship between the observer and the material world, the relationship between the mass of a body with its gravity and the speed of light is in direct relation with time.

still drag a concept of absolute space and time although some of us say it is not so. The same is true when we are undergoing a process of self-knowledge, which we call spiritual, we tend to move the way of understanding the reality of the world captured only and apply our rationality. How we judge other spiritual paths and in so doing, try to place on a higher plane.
All trial is located above, because only from above we can see the whole picture. You do not want to accept that we are still in a very low level of vibration frequency as judge others, only exercise violence in the sense of competence, as Gandhi said. There is violence in the competition because there is conflict and confrontation strengthens polarity. If we were on a high plane would have passed the duality or polarity. So when I hear someone considers the developmental level of another person, I shudder. Who knows what the meaning of life on the other board in this great universe.

may be the superior role dislodge the lives of others to help them evolve. In literature they say that the character of evil is that drives the action. Without the bad making mischief, resisting, scheming and carrying out actions that stand in the way of the heroine or hero would not matter, there would be no story in the strict literary sense.
The bad character can be understood as a person of flesh and bone or may be a storm or a character's inner conflict. Without duality there is no life on planet earth and we know very little what does each one of us here to have this great plan of the universe is carried out. The proof is that humans are affecting the eco system by removing species that perform. Everything has a meaning or a specific task in the plan. And we're not trained in the level of consciousness in which we are to judge the way of others.

I have read almost every book of biography American actress Shirley MacLaine. In one of them had a revelation. It's just a very short chapter in the middle of stories about her life in Hollywood, his travels and his spiritual experiences. Suddenly, near the end of the book Shirley discovers that her husband cheated financially and that made her billionaire, declared bankruptcy.
had worked all his life doing two three daily shows in Broadway musicals and movies that we all know, had given her husband his money. Ensuing crisis, the judicial process of divorce, personal inquiry about what happened MacLaine makes his suffering natural to feel cheated by that person that relied more and with whom he had a daughter. The story is fascinating. One day Shirley MacLaine in thought and discovers that her husband was channeling a being of a higher evolutionary level to hers and had come to earth to help it evolve.

simply was acting as the villain as a service of love for her to wake up. Shirley's life turned upside down. Without citing examples difficult to understand and see how this, if we look at our own lives or the lives of others understand that painful experiences are considered an important sense, are part of a road without transformation turns people into semi-humans .
do not know anything about the level at which is the person next to us, maybe the other is to make his last job in a last embodiment in which learning is learning to be repudiated by others, because I learned everything I needed to learn, and learn contempt of others when we become bad guys is a profound work of humility.

is said that the earth is a planet and that every school is this a game we'll laugh when you wake up. We take very seriously the characters that we have to interpret compete, get angry, we offend or rival and judge. We do not know who the other in the same way that we do not know who we really are us. If we knew and do not identify ourselves with the outsider in the world, no character would judge the externality that we see in the other.
Someone may think they are above the simple person who has no idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a spiritual journey. But maybe the heart of that person is cleaner than the one who judges. The act of judging is an operation of the rational mind. And the rational mind can not continue to use for all, must be integrated with other ways of understanding our surroundings. That's the challenge this time for each of us.

Perhaps most difficult is learning to live with the uncertainty of not knowing, not bear to fill the vacuum of ignorance with our mental operations, speculations, imaginations, judgments or impairment of value. Nothing better to complete this approach to uncertainty to remember a phrase from the movie "What the Bleep": "It's important to live in the mystery than knowledge." *****************************************


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