Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What Is Shiny Stone For In Soul Silver


Dr. Ialeakala

Ihaleakala has a doctorate degree in psychology and was once native Hawaiian practice in the profession, the Hawaii State Hospital, but more importantly it is a Kahuna ("guardian of secrets ") and successor espiritual de otra Kahuna extraordinaria Mornah Simeona.
Ihaleakala es un señor de apariencia normal lo que le interesa primordialmente es compartir la información que le ha convertido en lo que es: un ser que irradia paz, que es gracioso, que es más real que los pastores de antaño, y que no se las da de nada, más bien le gusta pasar desapercibido. Le interesa compartir el Ho’oponopono para que los que reciben la información se conviertan en seres independientes que no tengan que recurrir a él y que puedan a aprender a caminar por la vida RELAJADAMENTE.

Ho’oponopono en hawaiano quiere decir “rectificar un error”. De acuerdo con los antiguos hawaianos, los errores proceden de pensamientos which is affected by painful memories of the past. The Ho'oponopono is a way to release the energy of these painful thoughts which cause imbalance and disease. Ho'oponopono, an ancient system of understanding life and spirit that provides answers for today's world and that Dr. Ialeakala has been updated.

- Ho'o means "cause" in Hawaiian and ponopono "means perfection.
all have the ability to return to the original perfect state where there was no division or duality in us, comparable to a blank page where there are no preconceived ideas and reigns a perfect state of peace "-. He states that" we create our physical universe exactly as is. And not only that but each of us has the power to correct the erroneous thinking that can create an imperfect reality.

Or, in other words, everything exists as thoughts in our minds. There is nothing outside of us. Everything is within us. "
He concludes:" Your mind is your own projector. If you do not like the movie, stop the projector and put a new one, is as simple as that. Believe me - Operates "
Ho'oponopono is really very simple. For the ancient Hawaiians all problems are reduced to a thought. But having a thought is not itself a problem. So what's the problem? The problem is that all our thoughts are imbued with painful memories, memories of people, places and things.

When practicing Ho'oponopono, divinity takes the painful thought and purifies .. Then, there is something wonderful, not only the negative energy is neutralized, it disappears. In its place is a blank. Buddhists call it the Void. The last step is to allow the Divine in and fill the void with light.
The Hawaiians of old were outstanding psychologists and psychiatrists who learned to get in touch with the vast powers of the mind. The Ho'ponopono was an inseparable part of his philosophy of life and their way of life. This process permeated every fiber of their existence, their family relationships, activities, education and training of children and their relationship with nature and the cosmos.

The primary purpose of Ho'oponopono is to discover the divinity within us. Through Ho'oponopono can practice a relationship with divinity and learn to ask in every moment that our errors in thought, word and action be cleansed. The end result is freedom, achieving the total liberation of the past.

I put the link to download the book in pdf:


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