Friday, November 28, 2008

Moroccan Fabric Hanging


All extensions are universal field of energy, different points of view of a single entity. This involves seeing the world all things to all people in the world, and realize that we're watching another version of ourselves. You and I are the same. Everything is the same. Everyone

mirrors the other and we must learn to see ourselves reflected in others. This is called the mirror of relationships. Through the mirror of a relationship, I discover my circumscribed. For this reason, the development of relations is the most important of my life. All I see around me is an expression of myself.
Relationships are a tool for spiritual evolution whose ultimate goal is unity in consciousness. We are all inevitably part of the same universal consciousness, but the real progress occur when we begin to recognize that connection in our everyday lives.

Relationships are one of the most effective ways to achieve unity in consciousness, because we are always involved in relationships. Think Network relationships that hold parents, children, friends, coworkers, loving relationships. All are, in essence, spiritual experiences. When you're in love, romantic and deeply in love, have a sense of timelessness. At that time, you are at peace with uncertainty. You feel great, but vulnerable, feel closeness but also vulnerability. You transformándote, changing, but without fear. I feel wonderful. That is a spiritual experience.
Through the mirror of relationship, each of them, we found prolonged states of consciousness. Both those we love and those for whom we feel rejection, are mirrors of ourselves. To whom we are attracted? To people who have similar characteristics to ours, but that's not all. We want to be in his company because subconsciously feel that by doing so, we can express more of these characteristics. Similarly, rejection of people feel that reflect the characteristics that we deny in ourselves. If you feel a strong negative reaction to someone, you can be sure that you and this person have common features, features that are not willing to accept. If accepted, do not bother.

When we can recognize ourselves in others, every relationship becomes a tool for evolution of our consciousness. Thanks to this development experience extended states of consciousness.
The next time you feel attracted to someone, ask yourself what attracted you. "Her beauty, grace, elegance, authority, power or intelligence? Whatever it was, be aware that this feature also flourishes in thee. If you pay attention to those feelings you can start the process of becoming more fully yourself.

The same applies to those people to feel rejection. By adopting more fully your true self, you understand and accept your less attractive features. The essential nature of the universe is coexistence of opposite values. You can not be brave if you're not a coward on the inside, you can not be generous if you're not a cheapskate, you can not be virtuous unless you have the ability to act with malice.

spend much of our lives denying the dark side and projecting those features dark finish on those around us. Have you known people who routinely attract into your life to the wrong subject? Usually, those do not understand why this happens again and again, year after year. It is that appeal that darkness is not willing to adopt them in their own lives.

An encounter with a person you do not like is an opportunity to accept the paradox of coexistence of opposites, to discover a new side of you. It is another step towards the development of your spiritual being. The more enlightened people of the world accept their full potential in light and dark. When you're with someone who recognizes and endorses their negative traits, you never feel judged. This only happens when people see good and evil, right and wrong, and external features.

When we are willing to accept the light and dark sides of our being, we can begin to heal ourselves and heal our relationships. We are all multidimensional omnidimensionales. Everything that exists somewhere in the world also exists within us. When we accept these different aspects of our being, we acknowledge our connection with universal consciousness and expand our personal awareness.

The features that distinguish more clearly on the other are present in us. When we can see in the mirror of relationship, we begin to see our whole being. This requires being at peace with our ambiguity, accept all aspects of us. We need to recognize, at a deeper level, to have negative characteristics does not mean that we are imperfect. Nobody has only positive features. The presence of negative characteristics just means that we are complete, thanks to the whole, we can more easily access to our universal, not restricted.
Once you can see in others, it will be easier to contact them, and through that connection, discover the consciousness of unity. This is the mirror power relations
Deepak Chopra



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