Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hygeia Goodie Box Condoms


This time I open a parenthesis because in the previous post I commented that unless the material all right, and truth but the assailants did not make us all physically something is not right.

For in these days, my head has worked in one would not exist, (I even think I'll take that as a book of "the thousand and one way to avoid an assault ") because the reality is that even I do not believe what happened, perhaps for the same reason they continue to surprise fortunately not frisk us if want, or because everything was so fast that I did not have time to scream, but had not been for nothing because superman does not exist and to my knowledge the red locusts have to invoke it.

And as long consult with you whether or not believe in luck, we share now that we're not to believe much in luck, but if the karma, the feng shui destination. As I mentioned few days ago my boyfriend was visiting from Merida north (because the north is in Coahuila xD ).

Unfortunately, the first day we step on the center back empty because as he told them rates came forward to us when we needed una cuadra para tomar un taxi de regreso a la casa.

como no nos toco uno así

Uno de ellos saco una pistola y me apunto a la altura de la cabeza, me quito la bolsa donde traía mi celular, una cámara (de mi novio) y un poco de efectivo mientras que a él aparte de su celular le quitaron su cartera con efectivo y de donde sacaron su tarjeta e hicieron uso de ella. ¿Lo pueden creer?

or so, until tender gives him steal xD

I know that lately things have been scrubbed from the on issues of insecurity around here, but I never imagined something like that would happen, as obviously is the first time something happens to me. I use to be cautious, keep my money up in socks and cell as she (though covered) and that day for some odd reason others had money and cell phone available to open the bag and get it.

They say that "everything happens for a" , also "when you're gonna get if you take off" but I can not understand why us?, I do not think we were unlucky and that we both happened, so very lucky that I do not take seriously. And if fate, to my way of seeing that what we build each and it is obvious that none was planned that this would happen to us.

súmenle Now that a few days that what happened my dad came out a few armed men on the road toward the state of Aguascalientes and stole his car, wallet and cell phone. First of all we are grateful that both he and we do not do anything. But now, how we recover the pace of our lives, how to forget what happened and continue to face every day out there? , that if once thought that I would now not rule out that there may be a second time and although not accustomed to be negative, fear is certainly very bad ally and is tormenting me.

Now what to do after this?

A) To believe in luck amulets to carry me,
B) B USCAR whom I do a clean
C) Seeing it as a life lesson,
D) consult my horoscope before leaving home,
E) All previous
F) None of the above


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