Sunday, January 23, 2011

Is Master Bateing Bad

Genshiken: portrait of a group of otaku

These days I have been reading again Genshiken manga, but this time flip rather than the other times with interminable pauses between volume and volume, and orderly, as when I asked them were getting the numbers randomly. I can only say that despite the times I have read, no change at all I think about this manga, in my opinion, one of the best sleeves for the past decade.

For those who do not know, is a manga Genshiken by Kio Shimoku about a group of otaku. It was published in the journal Afternoon (Otaku purely oriented magazine) and was collected in 9 volumes, also had 2 TV series and miniseries of 3 eggs that are sandwiched between the first and second season. Currently, published the sequel to the manga (Genshiken Nidaime) which are only a few chapters.

In college, a friend who loved the show, I spent the anime saying he was fine, but I was at a time when, after seeing "Otaku no Video", had no much interest in watching anime on otaku, but finally began to see her and I thought rather more agreeable than the latter (which left me sour taste, really). When I had realized I had grown fond of the characters, but the series was canceled (awful conversation between Madarame and Sasahara of the final chapter of the first series), and I looked for the manga, which, at that time there was not much material on the network.

After a while, I came to take for Genshiken and this time if I could I read through scans, although I had in my hand the first 7 volumes and I did not have them waiting for a possible English edition to-day today has not come.

Chapter of the beach is one of the most I liked the manga, even more than the comicfest.

If there's anything I like Genshiken those are his characters, is a series whose humor is overdone to death, but presents more or less plausible situations in a context that envelops you and makes you part of it, in fact, more than once, depending reading things, I wondered how much of it is autobiographical. It need not, but at least it seems to me.

There are scenes of great embarrassment, like this xD

For any fan of manga and anime is easy to identify with any of these characters, even a little is that many of us have a bit of Madarame and Sasahara, no doubt, my favorite characters from manga, but the rest does not detract in the least, is more the only thing I miss him a little face is as much as Tanaka Kugayama gradually disappear from the series (especially the first), because I love it when all agree.

As evanza series, the characters evolve with it and if at first you guys were all but two women ended up being more girls than boys in the club ... with its relevant consequences, of course xD Also that, the characters evolve psychologically, especially Saki, the only non-otaku group, which also hate this kind of people and gradually gets used to their way of life. The most horny is that this change makes little by little, they'll compare the rest of the group with different characters in anime.

Ogiue is one of the last to arrive at the club but as you progress into play.

As references, it is almost impossible to catch them all, I just a few rogue and I'm proud about, but in the American edition (which is what I have) is you at the end of each volume is a glossary explaining the possible references made throughout the volume, although I'm sure there are many more implicit.

Seeing this group, more than once I wished to belong to a group like Genshiken, but joke or be the same. I'd rather be with people I know with whom you can talk about anything.

The initiation rite Genshiken ...

As Genshiken Nidaime, as I said for now there are only a few episodes available and I can not give an overly elaborate, but does not convince me as much as the first set, there is a significant generational change, as almost all players have graduated and gives me the impression of being a girl-oriented manga otaku, and who do nothing but talk about Yaoi.

Of the characters that remain, I hope they give more prominence to Sue, one of the American friends of Ohno nothing else speaks in sentences of mangas and anime and I hope they do not do to what has been Madarame suggested in the last episode I read, do not hit anything that change, moreover, misses the rest of the characters in the first series. From what I've read so far, I have not seen any character that I really do grace, indeed, the 3 new members the club does not make me no grace, the only thing I'm liking it when old characters appear. Hopefully you know you are doing its author and not the shit, but the first series will be brutal what he does with this new.

Sasahara's sister comes back to kick ass, as usual (though this time for a change is right).

In summary, a highly recommended manga for anyone who loves manga and also for those who have not read too much not dislike them, because it is a very nice and friendly manga.

to see if one day a English publishing the posting ends here, but I, for the moment, I'll stick with my American edition, which is very well edited.

We read!


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